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 1) -5+6  2) 7+ (-8)  3) -8 + -2  4) 8(-3)  5) -9(2)  6) 18/2  7 (-9)/3 1 Algebra II.

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Presentation on theme: " 1) -5+6  2) 7+ (-8)  3) -8 + -2  4) 8(-3)  5) -9(2)  6) 18/2  7 (-9)/3 1 Algebra II."— Presentation transcript:

1  1) -5+6  2) 7+ (-8)  3) -8 + -2  4) 8(-3)  5) -9(2)  6) 18/2  7 (-9)/3 1 Algebra II

2 Order of Operations Algebra II

3  The order of operations is a rule that tells you which operation you need to perform and the order in which it must be done to achieve the correct answer.  The order of operations is often called PEMDAS and each of the letters represents one part of the rule. 3 Algebra II

4  P: parenthesis and grouping symbols  E: exponents  M: multiplication  D: division  A: addition  S: subtraction. 4 Algebra II

5  MD are performed in the order they appear in the expression from left to right.  AS are performed in the order they appear in the expression from left to right. 5 Algebra II

6  2 + 3 × 4 ÷ 2 6 Algebra II

7  3+9·2÷3+8 7 Algebra II

8  7+4[4+(3×2)]−5 8 Algebra II

9  4 [30−(4×2−3)] 9 Algebra II

10  1. 4+5×2−3  2.6+6×3÷2−7  3. 5+5×8÷2+6 10 Algebra II

11  4.13−3×2+8−2  5.17−5×3+8÷2  6.9+4×2+7−1 11 Algebra II

12  7.8+5×6+2×4−3  8.19+2×4−32+10  9. 12+4×4÷8−3  10. 12×2+6÷2−12 12 Algebra II

13  Variable- symbol used to represent an unknown number  Algebraic Expression- An expression with one or more numbers and variables 13 Algebra II

14  Ways you could see multiplication:  xy  x. y  x(y)  (x)(y)  (x)y 14 Algebra II

15  Power- x n  X is the base  N is the exponent 15 Algebra II

16  To evaluate an expression means to find its value. 16 Algebra II

17  Remember: PEMDAS 17 Algebra II

18  5(7)-6/2+3 2  8[6 2 -3(2+5)]/8+3 18 Algebra II

19  (x 3 +y 3 )/(x 2 -y 2 ), when x=4.2 and y=1.8 19 Algebra II

20  3(3+7) 2 /5  27/3(5-3) 2 20 Algebra II

21  2[8(a-b) 2 +3b] if a=6 and b=3 21 Algebra II

22  4y+6-2, when y=6 22 Algebra II

23  9+3x-5+2, when x=8 23 Algebra II

24  6y+2y-5, when y=3 24 Algebra II

25  8+3y-5, when y=4 25 Algebra II

26  7x-2(3)/3+12, when x=5 26 Algebra II

27  2x 3 -12, when x=4 27 Algebra II

28  n 5 +3m 2 -15, when m=3 and n=2 28 Algebra II

29  6a+4 2 -2, when a=3 29 Algebra II

30  a 3 +14, when a=6 30 Algebra II

31  2a 2 -16, when a=4 31 Algebra II

32  5b 3 +12, when b=-2 32 Algebra II

33  2x 2 +52, when x=4 33 Algebra II

34 1. −23 + 7y + 1 for y = 6. 2. −12 + 7x 2 − 8 for x = 6. 3. 14 + 7y 2 + 22 for y = 3. 34 Algebra II

35 1. 18x+7y+12 for x = 3,y = 6. 1. −63 +7x 2 −18 for x = 5. 1. 45+8y+33 for y = 5. 35 Algebra II

36 1. −33 +8x−22 for x = 7. 1. (−12) 2 +7y−42 for y = 6. 1. −43 +9x+11 for x = 4. 36 Algebra II

37 1. (−7) 2 +7x 2 +122 for y = 2. 2. −45+72 −x 3 for x = 4. 37 Algebra II

38  For each problem, x=2, y=3, a=4/5, and b=3/5  1) x+7  2) 3x-5  3) 6a+8b  4) a 2 +2b  5) (5a 2 b)/y 38 Algebra II

39  For each problem, x=2, y=3, a=4/5, and b=3/5  6) (10x) 2 + 100a  7) 23 – (a+b)  8) (x 4 -y 2 )/(3ay) 39 Algebra II

40  p. 22 13-29 odd 40 Algebra II

41  Complete the Order of Operations Packet from Friday with your group! 41 Algebra II

42  5a+2b-17, when a=3 and b=4  6xy+2x-7 when x=4 and y=5 42 Algebra II

43  9x+18y+5, when x=-6 and y=2 43 Algebra II

44  6a+7 when a=8 44 Algebra II

45  9x+2y, when x=2 and y=-3 45 Algebra II

46  5a+b 2 when a=12 and b=4 46 Algebra II

47  (8/x)+2 when x=4 47 Algebra II

48  6x+2.5 when x=2 48 Algebra II

49  y 2 +4, when x=-9 49 Algebra II

50  7x+2y, when x=3 and y=5 50 Algebra II

51  9xy+x 2, when x=4 and y=2 51 Algebra II

52  3ab+b 3, when a=9 and b=2 52 Algebra II

53  16xy 2 +14, when x=3 and y=4 53 Algebra II

54  6xy+4x when x=2 and y=7 54 Algebra II

55  16y+8xy, when x=3 and y=4 55 Algebra II

56  3x 2 +24y, when x=3 and y=4 56 Algebra II

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