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Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish. Video watching: 2005 Stanford Commencement Address 中市居仁國中 李芝萱老師編製 Daisy C. H. Lee 李芝萱 (2011)

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Presentation on theme: "Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish. Video watching: 2005 Stanford Commencement Address 中市居仁國中 李芝萱老師編製 Daisy C. H. Lee 李芝萱 (2011)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish. Video watching: 2005 Stanford Commencement Address 中市居仁國中 李芝萱老師編製 Daisy C. H. Lee 李芝萱 (2011)

2 Before Watching 1/3 Do you know who he is? Daisy C. H. Lee 李芝萱 (2011)

3 Before Watching 2/3  The person is a genius. Do you know these products? Daisy C. H. Lee 李芝萱 (2011)

4 Before Watching 3/3 Daisy C. H. Lee 李芝萱 (2011)

5 Watching Video of Stanford Commencement Address 2005 arch/0/Hd_ptbiPoXM – With English and traditional Chinese subtitle: – With traditional Chinese subtitle : Text: s-061505.html s-061505.html Daisy C. H. Lee 李芝萱 (2011)

6 After Watching 1/10 Test time!! Please complete the worksheet. Daisy C. H. Lee 李芝萱 (2011)

7 After Watching 2/10 Answer the questions. (12%) Daisy C. H. Lee 李芝萱 (2011) 1.Where did the speech take place? 2.Who was the speaker? 3.Where was ‘Apple Computer’ started? Stanford University Commencement Steve Jobs From a garage.

8 After Watching 3/10 Circle T for true or F for false. (44%) Daisy C. H. Lee 李芝萱 (2011) 1.The speaker was adopted at birth by a lawyer and his wife. T / F 2.The speaker went to a college and graduated. T / F 3.The speaker dropped out of college because his grades were poor. T / F 4.After the speaker dropped out of college, he stopped going to school. T / F

9 After watching 4/10 Circle T for true or F for false. (44%) Daisy C. H. Lee 李芝萱 (2011) 5.The speaker learned calligraphy just because he was interested in it. T / F 6.Macintosh computer was the first computer with beautiful typography. T / F 7.The speaker founded “Apple Computer” and had stayed there until he died in 2011. T / F

10 After watching 5/10 Circle T for true or F for false. (44%) Daisy C. H. Lee 李芝萱 (2011) 8.After the speaker got fired from the company he started, he thought he was a failure and decided to run away from the valley. T / F 9.The speaker founded the company “Pixar”, which created the worlds first computer animated feature film, Toy Story. T / F

11 After watching 6/10 Circle T for true or F for false. (44%) Daisy C. H. Lee 李芝萱 (2011) 10.People who get pancreatic cancer would normally expect to live no longer than three to six months. T / F 11.The speaker was diagnosed with cancer and had a surgery. T / F

12 After watching 7/10 The speaker shared three stories. Number the points in the correct order. (12%) Daisy C. H. Lee 李芝萱 (2011) The story about love and loss. The story about death. The Story about connecting the dots. 2 3 1

13 After watching 8/10 These are the quotes from the speech. Fill in the blanks. (32%) Daisy C. H. Lee 李芝萱 (2011) 1. You can’t connect the dots looking ______________; you can only connect them looking ____________. 2 It was awful tasting ____________, but I guess the patient needed it. forward backwards medicine

14 After watching 9/10 These are the quotes from the speech. Fill in the blanks. (32%) Daisy C. H. Lee 李芝萱 (2011) 3. The only way to do great work is ___________________________. 4. If you live each day as if it was your __________, someday you’ll most certainly be right. to love what you do last

15 After watching 10/10 These are the quotes from the speech. Fill in the blanks. (32%) Daisy C. H. Lee 李芝萱 (2011) 5. Have the courage to follow your ___________ and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. 6. Stay ___________. heart hungry foolish

16 Stay hungry. Stay foolish. Daisy C. H. Lee 李芝萱 (2011)

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