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 Aim: How does Golding use literary techniques to criticize society?  Do Now: Clear your desks and take out a sheet of loose-leaf along with a pen/pencil.

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Presentation on theme: " Aim: How does Golding use literary techniques to criticize society?  Do Now: Clear your desks and take out a sheet of loose-leaf along with a pen/pencil."— Presentation transcript:

1  Aim: How does Golding use literary techniques to criticize society?  Do Now: Clear your desks and take out a sheet of loose-leaf along with a pen/pencil.

2  1) What is the conch shell used for?  2) Who are the 2 natural choices for leaders?  3) Which three boys go exploring?  4) Who pretends to be a fighter-plane machine-gunning one of the children?  5) Who is in charge of the choir?

3  1) Which three boys go exploring?  2) “Creepers” refers to what?  3) What is the conch shell used for?  4) Who is in charge of the choir?  5) What does Piggy suffer from?

4  1) What do Piggy and Ralph find on the beach that they use to summon the boys?  2) What does Piggy Suffer from?  3) Who wanted to go explore the island but was told he was unfit for these type of adventures?  4) Who pretends to be a fighter-plane machine-gunning one of the children?  5) “Creepers” refers to what?

5  1) Why do the children choose Ralph to be the chief? (Page 22) What does this suggest about how society chooses leaders?  2) Turn to page 16, what is Golding criticizing about society/the world in his dialogue between Piggy and Ralph about the conch?  3) On page 10 and 14, Golding discusses the heat of the island. What could this heat represent and what is it doing to the children.?  4) How do the boys try to establish order on the island? What is the effect on the boys’ behavior?  5) On page 19, what is the significance behind how Golding uses figurative language to describe the children?  6) What doesn’t Jack stab the pig for food? What is Golding suggesting about this moment? (Page 31)

6  Read Chapter 2 by Thursday! On Post-its find 5 symbols and explain what you think they symbolize.

7  Aim: How can we begin to draft our first draft of our research papers?  Do Now: What should be included in an annotated work cited page?

8  You must cite at least 6 Sources in your paper, but you must have 8 sources on your work cited page. You may cite all 8 if you wish.  Sources breakdown:  3 academic articles (JSTOR, EBSCO, etc.)  2 books  1 news article  2 free (any source that is reliable)  ALL SOURCES MUST HAVE AN AUTHOR (NAME), PUBLISHER, AND PUBLISHED DATE!!!  Annotated bibliography due on February 18!

9  MLA Style—Double-spaced, Times New Roman, Size 12, Structure of citation, (Last name, first name…etc.)  Alphabetical order by last name  1 st line no indent…every line after that should be indented till the next citation.  Annotations should all be indented. Annotations should include Summary of source, why/how you know the source is reliable, and how you will use this source.  Sample:

10  Activity—  Begin to formulate your thesis sentence.  Get it checked and signed by at least 3 classmates (you must get advice from those three individuals).  Next, you must get it checked by me before you begin your essay! Only come up to me if you wrote your thesis, and you got it approved by three individuals.

11  Aim: How does Golding build up setting and characterization to create a mood?  Do Now: Listen to “Hotel California”  What is beastie?  What purpose does it serve?

12  1) Draw the setting based on Golding’s description of the island. What is the significance behind this description. Include three quotes  2) Focus on the symbolic meaning behind the setting and other objects. Find 4 examples and what they symbolize. Drawings should be included.  3) Ralph- List 4 characteristics of this character. Choose one quote that defines these characteristics. How is Golding using this character to represent something or someone in society? Explain. Must draw character or cut out a picture of someone that you think looks like the character.  4) Jack- ‘’‘’‘’  5) Simon- ‘’‘’‘’  6) Piggy- ‘’‘’‘’

13  Do Now: Share HW with the person next to you.

14  Read “Huts on the Beach” Guided Reading Questions  Why do people choose to join a group?  Why do groups choose to accept others into their group?  Why do groups choose to reject others from their group?  Why do people choose to remain in a group? What are the risks of leaving a group?

15  Form a circle for discussion.

16  In Chapter 3 read the passage beginning with “Jack was bent double” and ending “He passed like a shadow under the darkness….”  Write an analysis paragraph about how Golding uses literary and stylistic elements to describe Jack’s character in this passage.

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