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Resources and Human Impact on Earth System

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Presentation on theme: "Resources and Human Impact on Earth System"— Presentation transcript:

1 Resources and Human Impact on Earth System
By: Kenzo Ariza-Uenishi

2 Human activities Deforestation Destruction of coral reefs
Intensive farming Pesticide Pollution Ozone depletion

3 Burned and cut down trees Loss of biodiversity Reduced food source
Deforestation Burned and cut down trees Loss of biodiversity Reduced food source

4 Destruction of coral reefs
coral reefs are home to 25% of all marine species 25% of coral reefs are threatened in the world 2050 - lose up to 70% of coral reef

5 Intensive Farming Is the latest technique used yield high productivity
To produce more food Use more fertilisers and pesticides Destroys quality of soil

6 Pollution Pollute air and water by harmful substances

7 Pollution Eutrophication
Bacteria decay the dead plants and in so doing use up oxygen from the water This means the fish suffocate and die Lose food, habitat and Oxygen production

8 Pesticides Kill harmless insects and other animals Alter food chain
Pollute the water

9 Ozone depletion Dangerous gas Speeds Greenhouse effect
Holes created by the ozone layer due to human activities

10 !!! We need less Deforestation Destruccion of coral reef’s Pollution
Pollution Ozone depletion !!!

11 Human Development Index (HDI)
Measures a country’s average achievements in the areas of health, knowledge, and standard of living HDI higher than 0.8 is considered "high human development“

12 What can we do ?? Organic farming Biological control pests
Organic farming Biological control pests Develop alternative energy sources Less ozone depletion

13 Organic Farming Is very important because don’t produce the pollution and problems of intensive farming

14 Biological Control of Pests
Using natural predators to eat pests instead of pesticides

15 Develop alternative energy sources
Solar power Wind power

16 Conclusion We need to save the planet Earth because we are using one and half planet


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