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‘Support, Challenge and Collaboration’ Conference 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "‘Support, Challenge and Collaboration’ Conference 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 ‘Support, Challenge and Collaboration’ Conference 2015

2 Workshop Session 2 Ian Mottram, Headteacher (Le Cateau Community Primary School)  Focussed Mentoring –"A highly successful system to mentor all pupils has helped to close any gaps in their learning." Ofsted 2013

3 The Context o 70% Service families – largest number of Service pupils in the LA o Serve 13 Nationalities o Largest Primary on the Garrison o 2 Form entry across school o 420 FT and 78 PT – around 500 pupils o Around 70 adults working in school o International links o 72% Mobility in 2013/14

4 The Journey

5 Ofsted Inspection October 2010 Deflated, battered and bruised A need to track pupils progress and ensure a higher level of challenge

6 Moment of transformation December 2010

7 Local school involved Other SCE schools joining up Caught the eye

8 Needed to fit with Le Cateau Logical Made sense Provided structure


10 What did we do? Programme of Implementation TrialUnpickQuick winsRoll out

11 What is it? A structured system of planning, assessment, reviewing and mentoring. The vision; improve the “learning behaviour” of the pupils ensuring standards are increased. Whole school system Pupils in control of learning & progress Knowing where they are going Focussed Mentoring

12 What is it? Child centred Attitude & behaviour ReadingWritingMaths Weekly maths practice

13 Attitude & behaviour AttendancePunctuality Behaviour: Classroom Behaviour: non- classroom EquipmentEffortHomework

14 Assess & ReadingWritingMaths Weekly practice

15 Ofsted (Oct 2012) praised this initiative as; A highly successful system to mentor all pupils has helped to close any gaps in their learning. LA Review (Jan 2012) they identified the positive impact Focussed Mentoring has had; “The in-depth knowledge they gain about each child, the quality of the learning dialogue that takes place and the positive result of the evaluation of non-academic aspects such as correct uniform and attendance are key attributes. Last year overall attendance was 94.3%; by autumn 2011 this had risen to 95.8%, with a related fall in unauthorised absence. The time and priority the school places on this system signals very clearly their high status and the value placed on every child.” Does it work?

16 Local Authority (Jan 2012) Pupils are very positive about the focussed mentoring system, particularly about their files which they also use as reference documents (to access mathematical vocabulary). As one Y4 child put it, ‘It’s really good as it helps me know how I’m doing and how to improve – it makes me feel better about myself.’ Ofsted (Oct 2012) commented; “A highly successful system to mentor all pupils has helped to close any gaps in their learning”.

17 Success? For the first time, parents commented that they were fully aware of where their child is at and fully understand what steps are needed to move forward. 81% Predicted Level 4+ in reading, writing, maths KS2 – 2014 64% Level 4 + in reading, writing, maths KS2 – 2014 75% Level 4+ in reading, writing, maths KS2 - 2013 65% Level 4+ in reading, writing, maths KS2 - 2012 53% Level 4+ in reading, writing, maths KS2 - 2011

18 Key principle x 6 mentor meetings per year x3 with child & teacher x3 with parents involved 15 minutes per meeting Take place during the day Child centred Dialogue is with the child Meeting goes ahead Chase up no-shows Focussed Mentoring ChildParentTeacher

19 What about the future? Focussed Mentoring Alter meetings Use of Essex Tracker Assessment windows

20 In conclusion

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