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Equations with Variables on both sides and Distributive Property.  Questions should include simple equations involving solving for x. ex. 12x + 6 = 42.

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1 Equations with Variables on both sides and Distributive Property.  Questions should include simple equations involving solving for x. ex. 12x + 6 = 42  Equations need to become more complex with the addition of combining like terms and variables on both sides. ex. 2x + 4x – 7 – 3 = 5 – x  Include the Distributive Property in some of your equations. ex. 2x + 3(x + 1) = 6x + 9 Pythagorean Theorem and distance between two points, finding a, finding b, and finding c as missing sides.  Questions should have triangles with one missing side measure. Either a leg or the hypotenuse. ex. A = 3cm, B =?, C = 5cm. What is the measure of side B?  Questions should include the Converse of the Pythagorean Theorem. ex. Given the side measures 5cm, 3cm, 4cm, does this triangle represent a right triangle? Use the Pythagorean Theorem to justify your response.  Questions should have students finding the distance between two points on a coordinate plane by using Pythagorean Theorem. Surface Area and Volume of Prisms and Cylinders.  Prisms include Rectangular Prisms, Cubes, and Triangular Prisms.  Formula for Lateral Surface Area of a Prism is Ph where P= Perimeter of the base. Formula for Total Surface Area of a Prism is Ph + 2B, where you include the Lateral plus the Area of the two bases. B = Area of the base.  Formula for Lateral Surface Area of a Cylinder is 2πrh. Formula for Total Surface Areas of Cylinder in 2πrh + 2πr², where you include the Lateral plus the Area of the two bases.  Questions should include real life situations such as painting a rectangular building or filling a cylindrical gas tank.  Questions can also be pictures of figures with measurements to solve with.



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