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Grassland by Maddison Weston Ryan. Grassland Facts A grassland is a windy, partly dry sea of grass. Grasslands cover nearly 1/4 of earth’s land area.

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Presentation on theme: "Grassland by Maddison Weston Ryan. Grassland Facts A grassland is a windy, partly dry sea of grass. Grasslands cover nearly 1/4 of earth’s land area."— Presentation transcript:

1 Grassland by Maddison Weston Ryan

2 Grassland Facts A grassland is a windy, partly dry sea of grass. Grasslands cover nearly 1/4 of earth’s land area. There are two types of grasslands. A tropical grassland and a temperate grassland. It is a flat landform, and is made up of mostly grass and flowers with vary few trees and bushes.

3 Grassland Facts The temperate grassland is found south of the Tropic of Capricorn and north of the Tropic of Cancer. These grasslands have particularly hot summers and particularly cold winters. The tropical grassland is found between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn. It’s hot all year with wet seasons that bring hard rains. The grasslands has less than one tree per acre. The animals that live in this region have adapted to dry windy temperatures. There are lots of bugs here!

4 Grassland plants There are 5 different types of grass in the Grassland The types are Indian Grass,switch grass, prairie cord grass, Canada wild rye and big bluestem. Switch grass Indian grass Prairie cord grass Canada wild rye Big bluestem

5 Grassland Map

6 Rainfall & Temperature in the Grassland

7 Black Footed Ferret A black footed ferret is a type of weasel, it is also a mammal because it has hair. It is an endangered species and lives in prairie dog burrows, usually after they eat the prairie dog. It is a carnivore since it eats birds, mice, insects, squirrels, and prairie dogs.

8 Black Footed Ferret This ferret has very short legs, a long snout, and a thin body. It’s about 46 centimeters long from snout to its tail. The black footed ferret is nocturnal, so it hunts at night. They are found from southern central Canada to Texas (USA). Humans have lessened prairie dog colonies by 5% because people shooting them, poisoning them etc. If humans don’t stop this, it may result in the black footed ferret becoming extinct.

9 Dwarf American Toad They reach up to about two and a half inches. They are generally dark red, the belly is cream colored. The spots on its back are reduced absent.

10 They are omnivores. When it eats, it poisons its meal, it eats spiders, worms, and small insects. They live in the grassy parts of Mexico, Canada, California, and Washington.

11 American Toads Female toads have whiter throats than male toads,also they are bigger than males. Females lay up to 20,000 eggs within a week. The toad lives up to 30 years old.

12 Red Spitting Cobra It can shoot venom Well across an average dinner table They are red with black dots It can survive in the grassland because it is hot It is a carnivore The dots tell us how old they are. Its scientific name is Naja Pallida

13 Golden Eagle They are carnivores. During the day they eat rabbits and mice. They build nests of twigs and sticks. Nests are high up in trees. They are black with a white tail.

14 Golden Eagle The adults are 66-100 cm. long. They can be trained for hunting. The Golden Eagle lives in North America. Its scientific name is Aquila Chrysaetas.

15 House Fly The scientific name is Diptera There habitat is a little section in forests and grasslands. They can get up to 3 inches or 7.6 centimeters. They can live up to 15 to 30 days. They are an omnivore. They eat plants,roots,stems,tree trunks,leaves.

16 House Fly They lay up to 1 to 250 eggs. They protect there young by giving there predator germs. They fly at the speeds of 4 and a half miles and a hour to 7.2 kilometers.

17 The End!

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