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10-2 Assessment Essential Question: How do cells make more cells?

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1 10-2 Assessment Essential Question: How do cells make more cells?

2 HW: Due Monday!

3 1. Name the main events of the cell cycle. A cell grows, prepares for division, then divides to form two daughter cells.

4 2. Describe what happens during each of the 4 phases of mitosis. Prophase – DNA condenses to form chromosomes, nuclear membrane breaks down, spindles form. Metaphase – Chromosomes line up across center of cell. Each chromosome connected to spindle at center point (centromere) Anaphase – Spindles pull chromosomes apart toward opposite ends of cell. Telophase – Chromosomes gather at opposite ends of cell, new nuclear membrane forms around each group.

5 3. Describe what happens during interphase. Cell grows and makes new organelles, copies DNA, and makes structures needed for mitosis.

6 4. What are chromosomes made of? DNA and proteins

7 5. How do prokaryotic cells divide? Division in prokaryotic cells less complicated than in eukaryotic. Just replicates DNA, then separates contents of cell into two parts.

8 6. How is cytokinesis in plant cells similar to cytokinesis in animal cells? How is it different? Cytokinesis is division of cytoplasm in both kinds of cells. In plant cells, a cell plate forms between the two cells (later becomes cell wall).

9 Questions?

10 Mitosis in Motion


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