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Open Bible Study. O : Open your heart! P : Ponder on other’s opinions! E : Express your own thoughts! N : Navigate the Bible! 마음을 열고.. 상대방의 의견을 잘 듣고..

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Presentation on theme: "Open Bible Study. O : Open your heart! P : Ponder on other’s opinions! E : Express your own thoughts! N : Navigate the Bible! 마음을 열고.. 상대방의 의견을 잘 듣고.."— Presentation transcript:

1 Open Bible Study

2 O : Open your heart! P : Ponder on other’s opinions! E : Express your own thoughts! N : Navigate the Bible! 마음을 열고.. 상대방의 의견을 잘 듣고.. 자신의 생각을 말하고.. 성경을 같이 탐구하는.. 입니다.

3 Pre-session Topics Relationship Vs. Fellowship ( 관계와 교제 )

4 질문 1 What is the “Relationship”? - group discussion What is the “Fellowship”? - group discussion

5 질문 2 There’s a family – Dan, Peter & Mary Mary : always obeys his father. Peter : always talks back, never obeys his father. Dan : does drugs, hangs out with bad boys. 1. In your opinion, which one is the ‘real’ child of the family? 2. Which one do you think the father would consider as a child? 3. Are we talking about ‘relationship’ or ‘fellowship’ here? 4. Who first initiates the relationship, children or father? 5. Can you lose your relationship with your father? (verse)verse

6 질문 3 There’s a family – Dan, Peter & Mary Mary : always obeys his father. Peter : always talks back, never obeys his father. Dan : does drugs, hangs out with bad boys. 1. Who do you think has a ‘sound’ fellowship with the father? 2. Who do you think has a ‘broken’ fellowship with the father? 3. Who initiates the fellowship, children or father? 4. Can you lose the fellowship? 5. Can you restore the fellowship? (verse)verse

7 Illustration on Relationship and Fellowship I need 4 volunteers to the front. Watch carefully the illustration!

8 질문 4 1. Once established, ( ) can not be lost. 2. Relationship is established by ( ). 3. Which one comes first, the relationship or fellowship? 4. ( ) can be lost and restored. Fill in the blanks below. 5. To stay healthy with God, you need ( ). 6. What do you have to do to have a “relationship”? (verse)verse 7. What do you have to do to have a “fellowship”? (verse)verse

9 질문 5 1. Relationship is like having a good ( ). 2. Fellowship is like having a good ( ). 4. How do you know whether you are a good Christian or not? By looking at your (Fruit) or (Flower)? (Root, Fruit, and Flower) 5. What are your “Flowers”? 6. Do you have your “Fruits”? 3. Does the Bible say “Flower” of the Spirit, or “Fruit” of the Spirit?

10 Key points: Thanks God for the ‘Relationship!” (Give thanks that you’re are Christian!) Establish and maintain a good ‘Fellowship!” (Live like a Christian!) Bear much ‘Fruits” not “Flowers”! (Follow God’s “Will”, not your “Pride”)

11 End of the Session

12 Restore to me the joy of Your salvation And sustain me with a willing spirit. Psalm 51:12 주의 구원의 즐거움을 내게 회복시키시고 Back

13 ( 요 10:28) 내가 그들에게 영생을 주노니 영원히 멸망하지 아니할 것이요 또 그들을 내 손에서 빼앗을 자가 없느니라 I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no-one can snatch them out of my hand. Back

14 But to all who did receive Him [Jesus], who believed in His name, He gave the right to become children of God (John 1:12). 영접하는 자 곧 그 이름을 믿는 자들 에게는 하나님의 자녀 가 되는 권세를 주셨으니 Back

15 I John 1:7 But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin. 그가 빛 가운데 계신 것 같이 우리도 빛 가운데 행하면 우리가 서로 사귐이 있고 그 아들 예수의 피가 우리를 모든 죄에서 깨끗하게 하실 것이요 Back

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