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Title: Aid after a disaster.. Lesson aims:  To find out about two different types of aid:  Short term aid.  Long term aid.  To understand why some.

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Presentation on theme: "Title: Aid after a disaster.. Lesson aims:  To find out about two different types of aid:  Short term aid.  Long term aid.  To understand why some."— Presentation transcript:

1 Title: Aid after a disaster.

2 Lesson aims:  To find out about two different types of aid:  Short term aid.  Long term aid.  To understand why some countries are more likely to need aid than others.

3 Lesson starter  Imagine you were living in a country and it has just been struck by a terrible natural disaster.  Your home has been destroyed and you need help.  What 5 things are you going to need to survive?  Write them down in your jotter and have reasons why you would need them. Be ready to feed back to the class. (5 mins) 1. Food 2. Water 3. Shelter 4. Medicine 5. Sanitation 6. Clothing

4 What is aid?  “Aid is another word for ‘help’. Richer countries give poorer countries aid to help them to make a better future for themselves.”  2011  Aid can come in many different forms. Copy the definition for Aid.

5 Task.  Under the sub heading “Aid” write down as many different ways that one country could help another country after a disaster.  You may discuss this with the person next to you. (6 min)  Be ready to feed back to the class.

6 Two types of aid. Short term aid. Long term aid. What do you think each of these could mean?

7 Short and long term aid.  Short term aid:  This is help with things that people need right away. Basic things people would need to survive right after a disaster.  Long term aid:  This is help for a country over a long period of time. It will help rebuild the country after the destruction.

8 Task: Aid pictures.  You are going to need two columns.  One for short term aid.  One for long term aid.  You will see a number of pictures. We will discuss what each one represents then what column it should go in.

9 Fresh water for survivors.

10 Food for survivors.

11 Rebuilding communication lines.

12 Policing to stop looting.

13 Emergency medical care.

14 Medicines from charities such as the Red Cross.

15 Emergency teams to help find survivors.

16 Rebuilding homes.

17 Homeless people evacuated.

18 Help in dealing with dead bodies.

19 Emergency shelter.

20 Early warning systems put in place.

21 Aid  Add three more things to the long term aid column.  Add three more things to the short term aid column.

22  of-a-haitian-aid-worker/11524.html of-a-haitian-aid-worker/11524.html

23 Aid lesson 2: Disaster relief  Aims of the lesson:  To find out about a number of case studies about aid being given in the world.  To find out what kind of aid needs to be given at different times.

24 Method: Jigsaw learning  You are going to be put in groups and be given a case study of aid to learn about.  You must learn as much as you can in a short space of time. You must become “an expert” on the case study.  You will then be put into groups with people that have knowledge of other case studies and you will share your case study with them.

25 Writing frame.  To help you out look at some of the headings you may wish to learn about:  Where did the disaster happen?  When did the disaster happen?  What was the cause of the disaster?  Did scientists predict the disaster?  Was there any preparation for the disaster?  What were the effects of the disaster? (deaths, damage)  What sort of aid do you think would have been given?

26 Next step  Now that you have learnt about your case study you must share this information with people from the other groups.  (new groups should be made now)

27 Share your knowledge.  Each take a turn telling the other members of your group about your case study.  See if they agree what kind of aid should be given.

28 Final question  How can aid help in a country that has been hit by a disaster?  Give examples and use case studies.  10 marks

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