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1 The voice of the wireless communications industry.

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1 1 The voice of the wireless communications industry

2  For many years Land Mobile Radio users just assumed there would always be spectrum available  During the 1980’s the threat of Spectrum licencing brought the industry together for the first time.  In the late 1990’s it became evident that there were no advocates for small communications users such as LMR.  ARCIA now represents these users, as well as areas such as Public Safety, to ensure the spectrum is kept ‘fit for purpose’ 2 The voice of the wireless communications industry

3  The ACMA rely on ‘Discussion papers’ as a convenient means of consultation with users.  This is effective to some extent, as evidenced by the 400MHz band review and the degree of industry involvement.  Radcomms might be seen by the ACMA as another means of consultation – it is far from that.  At present many of the supposed ‘consultations with industry’ are not effective, they are either ‘instructive’ from the ACMA or lobbying exercises from industry 3 The voice of the wireless communications industry

4  From an industry perspective there needs to be more transparency.  For example, with Opportunity Cost Pricing for the 400MHz band, a ‘Discussion paper’ was sent out as part of the review. The outcome was announced with no apparent reference to the review responses.  Where industry is involved issues are resolved quicker and with a higher degree of satisfaction  ACMA need to be more inclusive of user groups for better transparency. 4 The voice of the wireless communications industry

5  The present accent of Government is growth of the economy through innovation.  It is difficult to reconcile auctioning large spectrum blocks with encouraging innovation in spectrum use.  Although innovation can be seen in ‘Mobile apps’, long term innovation is likely to need dedicated spectrum availability.  New LMR technologies such as Digital HF Radio are part of this need  Innovation will need spectrum to develop, then again beyond for commercial implementation in the future 5 The voice of the wireless communications industry

6  ACMA have a better ‘open door’ policy now  Industry groups should have a higher level of involvement  The ACMA must still remain as the regulator, handing responsibility over to others or changing styles to minimise technical compliance is not the path to remaining ‘World best regulator’ status  Things like ‘Harmonised Government Spectrum’ sound great in policy documents, but maybe the beneficiaries are not capable of fulfilling the basic fundamentals.  Industry wants to help and be involved, but only if we are welcome and our inputs are valued 6 The voice of the wireless communications industry

7  ARCIA believes the following are important factors as the ACMA moves into the new regime of the ‘Radiocommunications Act (2016)’  Consultation  Transparency  Innovation  Recognition of the converged communications era. 7 The voice of the wireless communications industry

8  Always remember – no plane takes off, no ship sets sail, no train leaves the station and our emergency services cannot operate without working radio communications!  A presentation by Ian Miller – Executive Officer  Australian Radio Communications Industry Association 8 The voice of the wireless communications industry

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