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PROKARYOTIC CELLS AND EUKARYOTIC CELLS. WHAT IS A CELL? It took a long time for people to discover cells and figure out what they were all about. They.

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Presentation on theme: "PROKARYOTIC CELLS AND EUKARYOTIC CELLS. WHAT IS A CELL? It took a long time for people to discover cells and figure out what they were all about. They."— Presentation transcript:


2 WHAT IS A CELL? It took a long time for people to discover cells and figure out what they were all about. They need sophisticated equipment (microscopes) to be able to see cells. Robert Hooke discovered the first cell, which was a cork cell. Every thing we know about cells we call “cell theory”.

3 CELL THEORY SAYS THAT…. 1.Cells are the basic units of structure and function in all living things. In other words, cells are like the building blocks of all living things. 2. New cells are only made from existing cells. 3. Some organisms are Unicellular, meaning they consist of only a single cell. Other organisms are Multicellular, consisting of many cells.

4 UNICELLULAR ORGANISMS 1. Organisms made of only one cell are called unicellular organisms. 2. Bacteria are unicellular organisms. 3. Bacteria you are familiar with include Salmonella, E. coli, and Streptococcus (strep throat). 4. These are very small microorganisms that can’t be seen with the naked eye. Examples: Amoebas, Bacteria, Paramecium

5 MULTICELLULAR ORGANISMS 1.Organisms made of many cells are called multicellular organisms. 2.These organisms can be seen with the naked eye and need all parts to survive. Examples: Plants, Animals, Humans, Fungi




9 PROKARYOTIC CELL A single celled organism that does not have a nucleus.

10 TRAITS OF PROKARYOTES: (PRO-CARE-EE-OHTS) 1. They do not have a nucleus, and their genetic material is scattered randomly throughout the cell. 2. They only type of organelle it contains are ribosomes. Prokaryotes are contain cytoplasm, cell membranes (only around the outside of the cell), and flagellum. 3. They are less complicated and smaller that eukaryotes. 4. All bacteria are prokaryotes.

11 5.Prokaryotic cells are either be rod, spherical, or spiral shaped. Examples: Bacteria, Archaea

12 EUKARYOTIC CELL A more complex cell that has a nucleus and many organelles.

13 TRAITS OF EUKARYOTES: (YOU-CARE-EE-OTHTS) 1. They all have a nucleus where the genetic material of the cell is stored. 2.They have many organelles that work together to help the cell function. 3.Eukaryotic cells are much more complex then prokaryotic cells. 4.They can be just one cell or can make up more complex multicellular organisms. 5. All plants, animals, and humans are eukaryotic cells.

14 HOW ARE PROKARYOTIC AND EUKARYOTIC CELLS SIMILAR?  Both have cell membranes. The cell membrane controls the flow of materials in and out of the cell.  Both have cytoplasm. Cytoplasm is the jellylike substance that fills the cell.  Both have DNA.  Both need energy.  Both include proteins that serve as the main structural material.

15 PROKARYOTIC AND EUKARYOTIC CELLS GUIDING QUESTIONS *PLEASE RESPOND TO THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS IN YOUR NOTEBOOK. YOU MUST WRITE THE QUESTION. * 1.What is a cell? 2.What is the difference between unicellular and multicellular organisms? 3.List 3 multicellular organisms. List 3 unicellular organisms. 4.What is the difference between prokaryotic cells and eukaryotic cells? 5.List 3 eukaryotic cells and 3 prokaryotic cells. 6.How is DNA stored within prokaryotic and eukaryotic cell? 7.Compare and contrast prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells using a double bubble map.

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