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Barksdale Variance Application No. VR-SBK-07-03. Application Request  Variance of 1'8" from the rear setback requirement for a swimming pool with a screen.

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Presentation on theme: "Barksdale Variance Application No. VR-SBK-07-03. Application Request  Variance of 1'8" from the rear setback requirement for a swimming pool with a screen."— Presentation transcript:

1 Barksdale Variance Application No. VR-SBK-07-03

2 Application Request  Variance of 1'8" from the rear setback requirement for a swimming pool with a screen enclosure

3 Location Map 11 Llovera Place

4 Zoning map Duplex (dpx) district

5 Future land use map designated: residential

6 aerial

7 Development Summary Minimum LDC Requirements As-Built Lot Size: 9,000 square feet Platted: 10,120 sq. ft. Lot Width: 80 feet Platted: 92 feet x 110 feet Setbacks: Rear - 10' Rear - 10' Interior Sides – 7.5' Interior Sides – 7.5' Rear - 8'4" Left - 14'±; Right - 16'±

8 Swimming Pool Plot Plan (1 st submittal)

9 Swimming Pool Layout

10 Swimming Pool Plot Plan (resubmittal)

11 Variance Criteria 1.There are extraordinary and exceptional conditions pertaining to the particular piece of property in question because of its size, shape or topography; 2.The application of this article to the particular piece of property would create an unnecessary hardship; 3.Such conditions are peculiar to the particular piece of property involved and not created by the actions of the applicant; 4.Relief or variance, if granted, would not cause substantial detriment to the public health, welfare, safety and morals or impair the purpose and intent of this article; and 5.No variance may be granted for a use of land or building that is not permitted by this article.

12 Variance Criteria not met  There are no extraordinary and exceptional conditions pertaining to the particular piece of property  The application of this article to the particular piece of property would not create an unnecessary hardship.

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