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Unit 11 What time do you go to school?. Let’s go over what we have learned about daily activities.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 11 What time do you go to school?. Let’s go over what we have learned about daily activities."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 11 What time do you go to school?

2 Let’s go over what we have learned about daily activities.

3 get up do morning exercises eat / have breakfast/ lunch/ dinner take / have a shower go to bed

4 go to school play sports do one’s homework go home have lessons play football

5 watch TV read newspapers play computer games go to the theatre play the piano go shopping go to see friends go to the park go to a movie listen to music send e-mails

6 Mrs. Morison’s Sunday

7 ActivityTime get up have breakfast go to the park go swimming have lunch go shopping begin to work have supper go to bed 7:00 8:30 10:50 1:00 3:00 4:25 6:00 10:30 9:40

8 Hello, I’m Jennifer! Please listen to my letter carefully!

9 Dear Selina, Thanks for your letter. Do you want to know about my morning? Well, I usually _________at around___________. I do my homework at_________, and then I _____________at around____________. At around______o’clock, I go to school. School starts at _______o’clock. Please write and tell me about your morning. Love, Jennifer get up six-fifteen six-thirty eat breakfast seven- thirty eight nine

10 1. He goes to bed at 8:30, a tired but happy man. Can you think what his job is? 2. He works all night. People love to listen to him! 3. Scott works very long hours. He usually gets up at 17:00. He has a shower and makes his breakfast. What a funny time to make breakfast! 4. To get to work, he takes the number 17 bus to the Sinton Hotel. The bus usually leaves at 19:15. 5. After breakfast he practices his guitar, then he puts on his jacket and goes to work. 6. He gets home at 7:00, and he watches the early morning news on TV. Please put the sentences in right order and make it into a short passage.( 排出正确顺序)

11 The right order is: 3-5-4-2-6-1 Are you right?

12 “Scott’s Day” Scott works very long hours. He usually gets up at 17:00. He has a shower and makes his breakfast. What a funny time to make breakfast! After breakfast he practices his guitar, then he puts on his jacket and goes to work. To get to work, he takes the number 17 bus to the Santon Hotel. The bus usually leaves at 19:15. He works all night. People love to listen to him! He gets home at 7:00, and he watches the early morning news on TV. He goes to bed at 8:30, a tired but happy man. Can you think what his job is?

13 Can you answer these questions? 1 ) What does he do after he gets up? 2 ) Does he go to work after breakfast? What does he do? 3 ) How does he go to work? By bus or on foot? 4 ) What does he do before he goes to bed? 5 ) What does “ What a funny time to make breakfast!” mean?


15 Name AgeNationality Job David60AmericaEnglish teacher LikesChina, Chinese people, Chinese food, Beijing opera( 京剧 ), listening to music, reading, watching ball games on TV, nature ( 大自然) Doesn’t doGo to movies, play sports, listen to pop music Can’t doSpeak Chinese, sing songs Wants to doLearn Taijiquan, give two Enlgish lessons a day, help the students with their English

16 Everyone should learn how to make full use of the time. Wish you happy every day!

17 中央电教馆资源中心制作 2003.10

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