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Maltese News! (part 2) Now that you have practiced reading news items in Maltese, it will be easier for you to carry out the following activities. At the.

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Presentation on theme: "Maltese News! (part 2) Now that you have practiced reading news items in Maltese, it will be easier for you to carry out the following activities. At the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Maltese News! (part 2) Now that you have practiced reading news items in Maltese, it will be easier for you to carry out the following activities. At the end of this presentation you will also listen to Maltese news, and you will learn how to prepare some Ġ elat tal-irkotta.

2 Għawdxi fil-periklu tal-mewt Inċident gravi tat-traffiku li seta' kellu konsegwenzi fatali seħħ fis- Sannat Għawdex fis-17 ta' Frar li għadda. Din il-gazzetta tinsab infurmata li l-Ġimgħa 17 ta' Frar, fi Triq Hamet, seħħ inċident tat-traffiku li ħalla sewwieq ta' mutur b'diversi ġrieħi serji. Kien għall-ħabta tas-sebgħa neqsin kwart ta' filgħaxija meta xufier ta' karozza ta’ tip sportiva qabeż kju twil ta' karozzi b'veloċità eċċessiva. Iżda ġara li quddiemu sab mutur li kien ġej mid-direzzjoni opposta. Jirriżulta li s-sewwieq tal-karozza tant kien għaddej b'veloċità qawwija, li spiċċa tajjar lis-sewwieq tal- mutur. Il-pulizija marru dritt fuq il-post u l-każ qed jiġi investigat mill- Maġistrat Mario Ellul. Task 1: Look at the list of words on the left. Can you try to find the Maltese words which carry the same meaning from the news article? In this first version, we’re not going to help you at all. Try to read this text and identify words which mean the same as the ones in the list on the right. Click once to go to the next slide where we will reduce the difficulty of the exercise. direction fatal automobile queue case police speed accident

3 Now, we’re helping you out by indicating the words which you will probably be able to associate. Every time you click, we will underline a word. Try to find the equivalent in the list on the left. When you click again, an arrow will show you the answer. Għawdxi fil-periklu tal-mewt Inċident gravi tat-traffiku li seta' kellu konsegwenzi fatali seħħ fis- Sannat Għawdex fis-17 ta' Frar li għadda. Din il-gazzetta tinsab infurmata li l-Ġimgħa 17 ta' Frar, fi Triq Hamet, seħħ inċident tat-traffiku li ħalla sewwieq ta' mutur b'diversi ġrieħi serji. Kien għall-ħabta tas-sebgħa neqsin kwart ta' filgħaxija meta xufier ta' karozza ta’ tip sportiva qabeż kju twil ta' karozzi b'veloċità eċċessiva. Iżda ġara li quddiemu sab mutur li kien ġej mid-direzzjoni opposta. Jirriżulta li s-sewwieq tal-karozza tant kien għaddej b'veloċità qawwija, li spiċċa tajjar lis-sewwieq tal- mutur. Il-pulizija marru dritt fuq il-post u l-każ qed jiġi investigat mill- Maġistrat Mario Ellul. Well done! Now can you try and guess what is the grammatical function of il- and l- in the last two words we underlined: il-pulizija and il-ka ż ? Click to know the answer il- and l- are articles. In Maltese we put a hyphen between the article and the noun. accident speed direction fatal automobile queue case police

4 1.The accident took place on: a.Friday 17 th January b.Friday 17 th February c.Friday 17 th March Għawdxi fil-periklu tal-mewt Inċident gravi tat-traffiku li seta’ kellu konsegwenzi fatali seħħ fis-Sannat Għawdex fis-17 ta' Frar li għadda. Din il-gazzetta tinsab infurmata li l-Ġimgħa 17 ta' Frar, fi Triq Hamet, seħħ inċident tat-traffiku li ħalla sewwieq ta' mutur b'diversi ġrieħi serji. Kien għall-ħabta tas-sebgħa neqsin kwart ta' filgħaxija meta xufier ta‘ karozza ta’ tip sportiva qabeż kju twil ta' karozzi b'veloċità eċċessiva. Iżda ġara li quddiemu sab mutur li kien ġej mid-direzzjoni opposta. Jirriżulta li s-sewwieq tal-karozza tant kien għaddej b'veloċità qawwija, li spiċċa tajjar lis-sewwieq tal-mutur. Il-pulizija marru dritt fuq il- post u l-każ qed jiġi investigat mill-Maġistrat Mario Ellul. Task 2: Let us see if you can understand the meaning of the news item just like a real Maltese native speaker would! Every time you click, we will ask you a question. Click again to see the answer 2.The accident in which a car and a motorbike were involved was caused due to: a.the excessive speed of the car b.the excessive speed of the motorbike c.a second car coming from the same direction as the motorbike 3. What does the title mean? (Hint: “G ħ awdex” means “Gozo” – the name of a small island close to Malta) a.Gozitan has died b.Gozitan in danger of dying c.Gozo in danger of dying

5 Il-Ministru llum stqarr illi s-sena d-dieħla ser jiġu investiti miljuni ta’ Ewro sabiex jinxtara apparat sofistikat li jgħin fis-separazzjoni tal-iskart f’pajjizna. Barra minn hekk, fl-impjant ta’ riċiklaġġ f’Sant’Antnin, Wied il-Għajn, diġà beda l-proċess li bih jinżammu records tal-kwantità ta’ skart li hu bijodegredabbli u allura li jkun jista’ jiġi mibdul f’kompost. Fl-impjant ta’ riċiklaġġ f’Sant’Antnin, Wied il-Għajn, diġà beda l-proċess li bih jinżammu records tal-kwantità ta’ skart li hu bijodegredabbli u allura li jkun jista’ jiġi mibdul f’kompost. Il-Ministru llum stqarr illi s-sena d-dieħla ser jiġu investiti fondi Ewropej sabiex jinxtara apparat sofistikat li jgħin fis-separazzjoni tal-iskart. Now compare the two texts. Look at them carefully. Do you think they mean the same? a) The two texts basically mean the same thing. We just inverted the order of sentences. b) There are two phrases, now highlighted in green, which nuance in meaning. c) There is one phrase, now highlighted in yellow, which a non-Maltese reader will probably not understand, but may guess to be a linking word/phrase. (It means “besides”) Task 3: Read these two texts. Try to guess what are they talking about. Click to see the answers

6 Task 4: Are you ready to listen to some Maltese now? This is what we will be reading about... A local Maltese tv station during the 8pm news, l-Aħbarijiet, features an interview with a Maltese dulċier, Mario Attard, creator of the ricotta flavoured ice-cream. Mario says there is no secret to the ricotta ice-cream. You just need milk, ricotta, sugar, stabiliser, a pinch of salt... and lots of patience! Watch the video on You Tube and try it out Watch the feature on the ricotta flavoured ice-cream - Ġ elat tal-irkotta. I suppose you’ve guessed what we’re going to talk about ice-cream. And if the title said “ Ġ elat tal-irkotta”... could you go any further?

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