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22 Chapter 22 Starter 1.How long does it take the moon to cycle through its 8 phases? 2.Describe a solar eclipse. 3.Describe a lunar eclipse. 4.______________.

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Presentation on theme: "22 Chapter 22 Starter 1.How long does it take the moon to cycle through its 8 phases? 2.Describe a solar eclipse. 3.Describe a lunar eclipse. 4.______________."— Presentation transcript:

1 22 Chapter 22 Starter 1.How long does it take the moon to cycle through its 8 phases? 2.Describe a solar eclipse. 3.Describe a lunar eclipse. 4.______________ is the third and very slow motion of Earth’s axis and it traces out a cone over a period of _________ years.

2 The Lunar Surface 22.3 Earth’s Moon A crater is the depression at the summit of a volcano or a depression produced by a meteorite impact.  Craters Most craters were produced by the impact of rapidly moving debris. Rays are any of a system of bright, elongated streaks, sometimes associated with a crater on the moon.

3 The Moon’s Surface Mare Tranquillitatus (Sea of Tranquility) Mare Imbrium (Sea of Rains) Kepler Crater Copernicus Crater

4 Formation of a Crater

5 The Lunar Surface 22.3 Earth’s Moon Most of the lunar surface is made up of densely pitted, light-colored areas known as highlands.  Highlands Maria, ancient beds of basaltic lava, originated when asteroids punctured the lunar surface, letting magma bleed out.  Maria A rille is a long channel associated with lunar maria. A rille looks similar to a valley or a trench.

6 The Lunar Surface 22.3 Earth’s Moon The lunar regolith is a thin, gray layer on the surface of the moon, consisting of loosely compacted, fragmented material believed to have been formed by repeated impacts of meteorites.  Regolith

7 Major Topographic Features of the Moon

8 Lunar History 22.3 Earth’s Moon  The most widely accepted model for the origin of the moon is that when the solar system was forming, a body the size of Mars impacted Earth. The resulting debris was ejected into space, began orbiting around Earth, and eventually united to form the moon.

9 Formation of Earth’s Moon

10 Why cant we see the moon during the day? 22.3 The Moon  During the day the bright light of the sun blocks the soft glow of light reflect by the moon If the moon is cold and dark, how does it give off light?  The moon does not give off light of its own. It simple reflects the sunlight that falls on it

11 Why is the moon’s surface filled with craters The moon does not have an atmosphere; therefore, meteors and asteroids from outer space crash into its surface making craters Tycho crater  one of the largest craters more than 50 miles wide.

12 What does the term blue moon mean? Blue moon refers to the second full moon to appear in a month. It is very rare indeed.

13 Moon Fast Facts The moon does not have an atmosphere and there is no oxygen on the moon. Since there is no atmosphere, there is no rain, wind or weather on the moon. The moon does not have magnetic poles like Earth does. (there is no North and South poles)

14 Moon Fast Facts The moon has 14 days of constant light and then 14 days of constant darkness No water on the lunar surface Even though your mass is the same, your weight will be less because gravity on the moon is less than gravity on Earth

15 Moon Fast Facts Gravitational attraction between Earth and the moon exists, but it is not great enough to make them crash into one another; however it is enough to pull water in the oceans slightly towards the moon  creating tides

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