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1.Multicellular means a. one cell b.more than one cell cells d.none of the above.

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Presentation on theme: "1.Multicellular means a. one cell b.more than one cell cells d.none of the above."— Presentation transcript:

1 1.Multicellular means a. one cell b.more than one cell cells d.none of the above

2 Unicellular means one cell more than one cell no cells none of the above

3 2.From the list below select all of the characteristics of living. a.made of cells b.can hunt for food c.responds to stimulus d.can make their own food to protect themselves f.reproduces

4 3.How do plants respond to their surrounding? a.they grow b.they die c.they bend toward the sun d.they produce food

5 4.The most abundant chemical in a cell is a.carbon dioxide b.proteins c.water d.carbon monoxide

6 5.Who is known as the father of the microscope? a.Anton van Leeuwenhoek b.Robert Hooke c.Theodor Schwann d.Matthias Schleiden e.Rudolph Virchow

7 26.He added to the cell theory his conclusion that cells could only come from other cells: a.Anton van Leeuwenhoek b.Robert Hooke c.Theodor Schwann d.Matthias Schleiden e.Rudolph Virchow

8 7.Which of these is a biotic object? Be sure to check all boxes that apply, a.Lion b.Air c.Giraffe d.Tree

9 8.Features of the environment that are alive, or were once alive are called. a.abiotic b.biotic c.climate

10 9.He discovered that all PLANTS were made of cells, which contributed to the development of the cell theory: a.Anton van Leeuwenhoek b.Robert Hooke c.Theodor Schwann d.Matthias Schleiden e.Rudolph Virchow

11 10.He discovered that all ANIMALS were made of cells, which contributed to the development of the cell theory: a.Anton van Leeuwenhoek b.Robert Hooke c.Theodor Schwann d.Matthias Schleiden e.Rudolph Virchow

12 11.Which of these is an abiotic object? Be sure to check all boxes that apply, a.Lion b.Air c.Giraffe d.Tree

13 12.Who was the first person to see cells under the microscope and give them a name? a.Anton van Leeuwenhoek b.Robert Hooke c.Theodor Schwann d.Matthias Schleiden e.Rudolph Virchow

14 13.Which of the following is NOT one of the main components of the cell theory? a.cells must contain DNA b.all living things are made of cells c.cells can only come from other cells d.cells are the basic unit of life

15 14.Temperature, light, air, water, soil, and climate are all __________ parts of the environment. 1.biotic 2.abiotic 4.boreal

16 15.What statement about cells is part of the cell theory? a.All cells capture energy from sunlight b.Cells with cell walls do not have cell membranes c.Cells come only from other living cells d.Cells are found in most living things

17 16.The smallest unit that can perform the basic activities of life is organism b.a tissue c.a cell organ

18 17.Cells with a nucleus are called a.Prokaryotes b.Mitochondria c.Eukaryotes d.Organelles

19 18.Organisms made up of only one cell are called a.Organelles b.Multicellular c.Unicellular d.Homeostasis

20 19.Both plant and animal cells have a.cell wall b.cholorpast c.mitochondria

21 20.What cell feature is responsible for storing water? A: mitochondria B: lysosome C: vacuole

22 21.The plant cell structure where photosynthesis takes place is called.. A: chloroplast B: chlorophyll C: vacuole

23 22.What cell feature is responsible for powering the cell a.A: endoplasmic reticulum b.B: golgi apparatus c.C: mitochondria

24 23.What is the name of the jelly- like substance that is inside the cell? a.A: cytoplasm b.B: ectoplasm c.C: cytokinesis

25 24.This organelle is responsible for cleaning up worn-out cell parts: a.lysosomes b.golgi apparatus c.ribosomes

26 25.What part of the cell makes proteins? a.ribosomes b.lysosomes c.vacuole

27 26.What part of the cell serves as the intracellular highway? a.endoplasmic reticulum b.golgi apparatus c.mitochondria

28 27.What is the function of the cell wall? a.Supports and protects the cell b.Stores water and mineral ions c.Controls the cell

29 28.What is the function of the nucleus? a.Supports and protects the cell b.Controls the cell c.Controls what enters and leaves the cell d.Metabolic reactions occur here

30 29.Which best describes vacuoles? a. lipids b. storage compartments c. proteins

31 30.What is a compound microscope? a.a microscope with only one lens b.a microscope with more than one lens

32 31.Which of the following organisms is more complex? a.Volvox b.Belpharisma c.Vinegar Eels

33 32.Which organism lives in colonies? a.Volvox b.Belpharisma c.Vinegar Eels

34 33.Which organism is green? a.Volvox b.Belpharisma c.Vinegar Eels

35 35.Which of the following organisms use cilia to move? a.Volvox b.Belpharisma c.Vinegar Eels

36 36.Which of the following organisms use flagella to move? a.Volvox b.Belpharisma c.Vinegar Eels

37 37.Where do you find Volvox? a.Vinegar b.Purifed water c.Fresh water ponds

38 38.Where do you find Belpharisma? a.Vinegar b.Purifed water c.Fresh water ponds

39 39.How does Belpharisma reproduce? a.they mate with another cell b.they split c.they don't reproduce

40 40.Where do you find Vinegar Eels? a.Unpasteurized Vinegar b.Purifed water c.Fresh water ponds

41 41.What is your field of vision? far you can see much of something you can see many cells you can see

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