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Being near large bodies of water and elevation What are two factors besides latitude that affect climate?

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Presentation on theme: "Being near large bodies of water and elevation What are two factors besides latitude that affect climate?"— Presentation transcript:

1 being near large bodies of water and elevation What are two factors besides latitude that affect climate?

2 A region is an area with at least one common characteristic or feature that makes it unique from other areas. There is not one best way to divide the Earth into regions. There are multiple ways using natural or human characteristics depending on your purpose. What is a region? Is there a best way to divide the Earth into regions? Explain!

3 Challenges: dense vegetation, difficult transportation, not much living or farming space Opportunities: trees for lumber, oxygen for the earth, valuable plants for medicine What are 2 challenges and 2 opportunities for people living in a rainforest area?

4 Injuries Spread of disease due to reduced standards of sanitation Lack of hospital space and medical supplies malnutrition due to food shortages What are some effects on health due to Natural Disasters?

5 Loss of family members Disruption of transportation networks; Disruption of communication networks; Disruption of education What are some social effects caused by Natural Disasters?

6 Disruption of the economy; Loss of jobs due to damage of buildings, etc.; Physical damage to businesses and industry; Loss of businesses; Disruption in trade What are some economic effects caused by Natural Disasters?

7 Destruction and damage to houses and buildings; Destruction and damage of natural features of the environment; Decreased quantity and quality of water supplies; Destruction of crops What are some environmental effects caused by Natural Disasters?

8 Loss of leaders due to death or injury; Disruption of the government and its services; Damage to government buildings What are some political effects caused by Natural Disasters?

9 natural hazard A _______________occurs when a physical process creates an extreme event that can be unpredictable and negatively affect people.

10 Robinson Which map projection provides the most accurate representation in terms of the shape and size?

11 Mitigation ___________means to make something less harsh, severe or violent.

12 purpose When a cartographer creates a map, some things get distorted. What gets distorted and what remains accurate depend on the projection used and the ___________of the map.

13 Projection ________is a way to map our round Earth on a flat surface.

14 the Prime Meridian. The Eastern and Western Hemispheres are divided by ________________________

15 cartographer A person who makes maps is called a ______________.

16 the Equator What divides the Northern Hemisphere from the Southern Hemisphere?

17 floodplain Flat land along a river that is prone to flooding is called a__________.

18 Pacific Ocean. The Ring of Fire surrounds the ____________.

19 Physical processes __________________are naturally occurring events that can be scientifically explained.

20 Nearness to the sun, nearness to large bodies of water and elevation Name three factors that affect Earth’s climate?

21 hemisphere A region created when the Earth is divided in half is called a ______________.

22 tectonic plate movement What causes volcanoes and earthquakes?

23 natural disaster. When a natural hazard results in widespread severe damage, injury or loss of life or property; when the society cannot cope and there is a severe disruption in the affected area it is called a _____________.

24 globe A __________is a three-dimensional view of the Earth.

25 special purpose map. A map made to focus on particular information about an area is called a ___________________.

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