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WATER in German thinking Images and ideas frequently used in Germany.

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1 WATER in German thinking Images and ideas frequently used in Germany

2 Comenius Project 2011 – 2013 Water – Everything Flows Project meeting at CAG 23 – 27 April 2013 CAG 9A April 2012


4 Comenius Project 2011 - 2013 Germany – Italy – Poland – Austria – Lithuania – Spain – Turkey – Hungary CAG 9A April 2012

5 The Nature of Water Wasser ist Leben. Water is life. CAG 9A April 2012

6 Wasser ist der Ursprung von allem. Water is the source of everything. CAG 9A April 2012

7 Images of water to describe character

8 Er ist nahe am Wasser gebaut. He is close to the water. He starts crying easily. CAG 9A April 2012

9 Er ist mit allen Wassern gewaschen. He has been washed with all kinds of water. He is very experienced. CAG 9A April 2012

10 Sie kochen auch nur mit Wasser. They cook with water, just like we do. They are normal people after all. CAG 9A April 2012

11 Stille Wasser sind tief. Still waters run deep. You do not see what quiet persons think, they may have interesting stories to tell. CAG 9A April 2012

12 Für Menschen, die lieben, ist sogar Wasser süß. For people in love even water tastes sweet. When you are in love you see the positive side of things. CAG 9A April 2012

13 Blut ist dicker als Wasser. Blood is thicker than water. Your family is closer to you than friends or neighbours. CAG 9A April 2012

14 Sie sind wie Feuer und Wasser. They are like fire and water. They are so different: they never understand each other. CAG 9A April 2012

15 Feuer verzehrt, Wasser ernährt. Fire eats, water feeds. Some characters tend to exploit you, others are inclined to support you. CAG 9A April 2012

16 Je mehr der Brunnen gebraucht wird, je mehr gibt er Wasser. The more a well is used, the more water it provides. The more you do, the more efficient you are. CAG 9A April 2012

17 Images of water to describe behaviour

18 Zwischen Reden und Tun liegt das Meer. Between talking and acting there is the sea. People can promise a lot, but you are not sure if they do what they have said. CAG 9A April 2012

19 Grabe den Brunnen so tief, bis du auf Wasser stößt. Dig the well so deep that you find water. Do not give up before you have achieved your aim. CAG 9A April 2012

20 Das weiche Wasser besiegt den harten Fels. The soft water overcomes the hard rock. A flexible, mild person can win over a stubborn and hard one. CAG 9A April 2012

21 Steter Tropfen höhlt den Stein. Constant dripping wears away the stone. You have to be assiduous and must not give up too soon. Then you can achieve your aims. CAG 9A April 2012

22 Überquere den Fluss nicht, um Wasser zu holen. Do not cross the river to fetch water. You should not choose the complicated solution if a simple one is at hand. CAG 9A April 2012

23 Tadle nicht den Fluss, wenn Du ins Wasser fällst. Do not put the blame on the river when you fall into the water. Do not put the blame for your faults on others. CAG 9A April 2012

24 Das schon geflossene Wasser treibt keine Mühlen an. When the water has flown, it does not give power to mills any longer. It is no use pondering over past events. You cannot change them any more. CAG 9A April 2012

25 Der Mensch betrachtet sein Spiegelbild nicht in fließendem, sondern in stehendem Wasser. You can only look at yourself in still water, not in moving water. You can only find your own personality and thoughts in times of quietness and rest. CAG 9A April 2012

26 Images of water to describe risks

27 Das Wasser, das du nicht trinken kannst, lass fließen. Let the water flow that you cannot drink. You should not be greedy by taking more than you need. CAG 9A April 2012

28 Er muss ins kalte Wasser springen. He must jump into the cold water. He must take the risk and do something he does not like to do. CAG 9A April 2012

29 Ihnen steht das Wasser bis zum Hals. They are up to their necks in it. They are in a difficult situation. CAG 9A April 2012

30 Das Vorhaben ist ins Wasser gefallen. That plan has fallen into the water. Something has not worked out well, the plan has failed. CAG 9A April 2012

31 Wasser hat keine Balken. Water has no beams. You must be careful in some harmless looking situations, they can be dangerous. CAG 9A April 2012

32 Wer andere aus dem Wasser ziehen will, muss selbst auf dem Trockenen stehen. If you want to pull someone out of the water, you must stand on dry ground. Those who want to help others must be strong enough. CAG 9A April 2012

33 Du kannst keinen Ozean überqueren, wenn du nur aufs Wasser starrst. You cannot cross any ocean by just staring into the water. When you have a dream you must start realizing it yourself, nothing happens if you stand and wait. CAG 9A April 2012

34 Wenn der Brunnen trocken ist, schätzt man erst das Wasser. You do not appreciate the taste of water until the well is empty. You will appreciate the value of something when it is lacking and you miss it. CAG 9A April 2012

35 Ich habe Wasser und Blut geschwitzt. I have sweated water and blood. I have made extremely great efforts; I have been very much afraid. CAG 9A April 2012

36 Das war ein Schlag ins Wasser. That was like hitting water. There is a failure, you cannot see any change after hitting water. CAG 9A April 2012

37 Wer nur aufs Wasser blickt, kennt nicht das Meer. He who only looks at the water, does not know the sea. He who stays passive will never experience anything. CAG 9A April 2012

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