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Aim: How can humans obtain energy in different ways? Other than oil, how do humans currently get energy to power their homes and cars?

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Presentation on theme: "Aim: How can humans obtain energy in different ways? Other than oil, how do humans currently get energy to power their homes and cars?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Aim: How can humans obtain energy in different ways? Other than oil, how do humans currently get energy to power their homes and cars?

2 Solar Solar Energy: energy stored from the sun using solar panels – Solar energy can be active or passive Active could be using solar panels to heat water Passive could be using a south facing window to gather heat energy

3 Wind Wind energy can supply energy to 600 homes It is a clean source of renewable energy Operational costs are low

4 Hydropower Electricity that is generated by using the force, power and density of water First hydroelectric power plant in 1879 at Niagra Falls Provides one fifth of the worlds power – China’s Yangtze River has the largest

5 Natural Gas From EPA, natural gas is gas formed when layers of plants and animals are expose to lots of heat and pressure Natural gas is purified and then piped to powerplants where it is converted to energy Still produces gases to environment, but less than coal or gas

6 Biomass Sources are old wood, animal waste and agricultural crop residue From living or recently living organisms Using organic matter to make electricity

7 Uranium A piece the size of a grain of rice can produce energy equal to 3 tons of coal Energy from the splitting of uranium atoms Downside is that the waste product is radioactive and leaked into the environment could cause many health problems for humans

8 Geothermal Heat generated from underground It is sustainabe and renewable Most places on earth, only 10ft underground, maintain a temperature of 50-60 degrees F From hot water sources (where?) Or from hot rock sources (where?)

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