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Digestive System (27 feet of gastrointestinal fun)

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Presentation on theme: "Digestive System (27 feet of gastrointestinal fun)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Digestive System (27 feet of gastrointestinal fun)
Parts and Functions

2 Parts of Digestive (GI) Tract
Mouth – breaks food into smaller pieces, mixes with slippery saliva Pharynx – (throat) moves food from mouth Esophagus – Squeezes food down to the stomach by using peristalsis –(muscle contractions to move food)

3 Parts of Digestive (GI) Tract
Stomach – squeezes the food, acid and enzymes break down food into soupy mixture called chyme Small Intestine – absorbs nutrients through villi (finger-like projections) Large Intestine – water is absorbed from undigested food

4 Parts of Digestive (GI) Tract
G. Rectum – stores waste H. Anus – eliminates waste

5 More Parts… Salivary Glands – amalyse breaks down carbohydrates
Liver – makes bile to breaks down fat, stores nutrients, breaks down toxins Gall Bladder – stores bile from liver Pancreas – makes neutralizing liquid and insulin

6 Ms. Spera’s Top Five Things That Break It Down.
5. Saliva (amylase) – breaks down carbohydrates 4. Pepsin – breaks down proteins 3. Insulin – breaks down sugar 2. Bile – breaks down fats 1. Will it be YOU?!?!?!?!

7 Muscles/ Enzymes Used and Function Mechanical and/or Chemical
What is being digested? Part Function Muscles/ Enzymes Used and Function Mechanical and/or Chemical Sesame- Seed bun Mouth Chewing Starts break down food Amylase: breaks down carbs Both Esophagus Pushes food Sphincter: prevents food from leaving Peristalsis: muscular contractions Epiglottis: flap of tissue covers trachea Mechanical Beef patties Cheese Stomach (3-6 hours) Mixes food HCl breaks down food Acid: mixes with food to make chyme Pepsin: breaks down proteins Special Sauce Lettuce Pickles Onions Fat Small Intestine (3-5 hours) *pancreas *liver *Gall bladder Absorbs of nutrients and puts into blood stream Villi: network of blood vessels Bile: breaks down fat Insulin: breaks down sugar  Mechanical ** Accessory organs are Chemical  Water Large Intestine (18-24 hours) Absorbs leftover water in undigested food

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