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Phylum Annelida: Segmented Worms

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1 Phylum Annelida: Segmented Worms
Chapter 27~~~ IN 121

2 A. General Characteristics Phylum: Annelida
Annelid: means“tiny rings” 2. Class: Oligochaeta 3. Examples: bristleworms, earthworms, leeches. 4. Bilateral animals w/ 2 body openings (mouth and anus). 5. Segmented Body 6. Live soil or freshwater 7. Nocturnal burrowing worm 8. Feeds on dirt filtering out organic matter 9. Beneficial to the soil: aeration (opening up soil to allow air to circulate better), fertilization 10. Respiration: oxygen diffuses across moist skin 11. Sexual Reproduction- hermaphrodites (Earthworms & Leeches) 12. Closed circulatory system: blood contained within vessels, 13. Well Developed Nervous System

3 B. Earthworm Parts 1. Crop: temporary storage sac after mouth
2. Gizzard: sac w/muscular walls to grind soil 3. Intestine: long intestine stretches length of body to aid in digestion of soil 4. Ganglion: brain-like organ 5. Aortic Arches: Heart of worm; really 5 enlarged blood vessels.

4 B. Earthworm Parts 6. Anus: wastes are removed 7. setae: bristles used for movement located on ventral side 8. Clittelum: enlarged reproductive segment, secretes mucus which helps hold worms together during reproduction

5 Pathway of Digestion in an Earthworm
Prostonium (lip) Mouth Pharynx (the throat) Esophagus Crop Gizzard Intestine Anus

6 C. Leeches: 1. Class: Hirudinea 2. Parasitic segmented worm
3. Most live in fresh water 4. Have no bristles for movement, move w/muscular contractions 5. Suckers at each end of body Medical Uses Anesthetic Increase circulation Secretions act as anticoagulants during feedings Reattachment of digits Reduce swelling Cosmetic surgery


8 Segmented Worm Quiz The term “annelid” means ___.
Round worm b. flat worm c. segmented worm. Annelids have ___symmetry and ___ body openings. Radial, 1 c. bilateral, 1 b. radial, 2 d. bilateral, 2 3. True/False: Earthworms have 5 true hearts. 4. To keep you from feeling it, the leech secretes an ___ when it bites into you to feed. Anesthetic b. toxin c. anticoagulant 5. True/False: Leeches serve a useful purpose to man.

9 Compare/Contrast Table
Section 27-3 Comparing Flatworms, Roundworms, and Annelids CHARACTERISTIC Shape Segmentation Body cavity Digestion and excretion Respiration FLATWORMS Flattened No Acoelomate Gastrovascular cavity with one opening only; flame cells remove metabolic wastes Through skin; no respiratory organs ROUNDWORMS Cylindrical with tapering ends No Pseudocoelomate Tube-within-a-tube digestive tract; opening at each end; metabolic wastes excreted through body wall Through skin; no respiratory organs ANNELIDS Cylindrical with tapering ends Yes Coelomate Tube-within-a-tube digestive tract; opening at each end; nephridia remove metabolic wastes Through skin; aquatic annelids breathe through gills

10 Compare/Contrast Table continued
Section 27-3 Comparing Flatworms, Roundworms, and Annelids CHARACTERISTIC Circulation Response Movement Reproduction FLATWORMS No heart, blood vessels, or blood Simple brain; nerve cords run length of body; eyespot and other specialized cells that detect stimuli Gliding, twisting, and turning Sexual (hermaphrodites); asexual (fission) ROUNDWORMS No heart, blood vessels, or blood Several ganglia in head region; nerve cords run length of body; several types of sense organs Thrashing Sexual (primary males and females) ANNELIDS Blood circulated through blood vessels in closed circulatory system Well-developed nervous system with brain and several nerve cords; many sense organs Forward peristaltic movement Sexual (some are hermaphrodites; some have separate sexes)

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