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Slide 1 Updates on Beneficiary Targeting Meeting held last May 12 & 20, 2015 Ms. Cyfril Faith of World Vision Development Foundation, Inc. and her team.

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Presentation on theme: "Slide 1 Updates on Beneficiary Targeting Meeting held last May 12 & 20, 2015 Ms. Cyfril Faith of World Vision Development Foundation, Inc. and her team."— Presentation transcript:

1 Slide 1 Updates on Beneficiary Targeting Meeting held last May 12 & 20, 2015 Ms. Cyfril Faith of World Vision Development Foundation, Inc. and her team presented a beneficiary- registration system that aims to tie beneficiaries to humanitarian interventions. The system improves remote data collection in terms of beneficiary management, commodity distribution, and reporting processes

2 Slide 2 Updates on Beneficiary Targeting Modules of the system are registration of beneficiaries, project creation, enrolment of beneficiaries, printing of ID, create distribution plan, commodity shipment, distribution, and creation of reports CARE Philippines requested a quotation of the system and they also wanted to know the requirements in using LMMS World Vision Development Foundation will give quotations after 5 working days They will set again another meeting after the quotations are being prepared

3 Last Mile Mobile Solutions: Innovations in Humanitarian Interventions Objective: What is LMMS Users (inside and Outside WV) Modules of LMMS Demo

4 Slide 4 LMMS Defined  Final transaction area between NGOs and end-beneficiaries.  Improved remote data collection: 1.beneficiary management. 2.commodity distribution 3.reporting processes.  This system- to replaces paper based to automated system.  A beneficiary-registration system developed by WV, to tie them to humanitarian interventions  The system was initially developed for food-based projects but is now being used for cash-based projects as well and is being piloting for other projects (Shelter, WASH, Livelihood, Education, Health and Nutrition.

5 Who’s using LMMS: World Vision: Kenya Uganda Ethiopia South Sudan Sudan Burundi Malawi Zimbabwe Lesotho Mali Niger Mauritania Niger Haiti Philippines!! Myanmar Pakistan Chad Slide 5 Externals: Save the Children Medair Oxfam Norwegian Refugee Council Deutsche Welthungerhilfe

6 What’s Changed? All data collected once on mobile phones/tablets, in digital format, in complete form Handle new data types - photo images, geo-spatial mapping, etc Automated processes - calculations of rations due, tracking incoming/outgoing stock Field workers can roam field distribution sites, connecting via Wi-Fi Identify what employee entered what data – processed which beneficiary records Photo verification on collection of commodity assets Real/Near-Real time updates to data repositories Capacity to run queries and generate reports immediately – Master Ben List, Distribution Plans, Planned Ben Distribution Lists & Actual Ben Distribution Reports. “It is my first time to leave a food distribution before lunch time, in the past we have always left at sunset.” Elderly Food Aid Recipient, Zimbabwe, 2010.

7 Requirements in using LMMS Laptop for Server Android (Tablet or Phone) ID Printer PVC Cards Router Slide 7

8 Hosting Cloud Master Server & Roaming Server Local Master Server & Roaming Server LMMS Applications –RSA – Roaming Server Application –MCA – Mobile Client Application Slide 8

9 Slide 9 Data LMMS Manages Beneficiaries Households & Members One Head Member per Household Enrolment / Participation Association of Beneficiaries with Projects Eligibility for Aid Project Mgmt General Distribution Targeted Feeding Aid For Work (Cash & Food) Commodities Item Catalogue Inventory by FDP & Project Commodity Transactions Distributions By Project, Date, & FDP Distribution Plans (Household Rations Calculation) System Data Locations, FDP’s, Warehouses, Items Application Users

10 LMMS processes Enrollment of Beneficiaries to the Program - After the targeting and verification of beneficiary through the agreed selection criteria, beneficiaries are selected to be part of the program. Gathering Demographics - Using an Android mobile phone our field staff photograph beneficiaries and record all other relevant household demographics such as name, location, vulnerability that makes them eligible for the assistance. (at household and member level)

11 LMMS processes The beneficiary data is sent to the laptop/roaming server using wireless connection for verification. Once enrolled and approved on the system, the beneficiary then receives a photo identity card with a barcode that is scanned each time there is a distribution (cash/food/NFI) for verification and calculating accurate rations in a matter of seconds resulting in fewer errors and duplication.

12 LMMS processes Eligible households are enrolled into projects and all their information is stored on the electronic database. Multiple projects can be enrolled without repeat registration. Commodity rations / cash allocations are set once per project to automatically calculate quantities needed for distribution planning depending on the program.

13 LMMS processes During distribution, ID cards are scanned to determine eligibility and individuals are visually matched using photos on ration cards and in database. Inventory as well as reporting is done in real time. Some of the reports include the list of beneficiaries that received cash/commodities in detail. Slide 13

14 Examples Of LMMS Reports 1.LMMS ID 2.Distribution Lists Slide 14

15 Summary  Manual process requires the re-registration of beneficiaries for new programs, while LMMS can leverage historic beneficiary lists to automatically register beneficiaries to new programs  LMMS does not require re-registration of beneficiaries for new programs. Major time and cost savings are realized at the registration phase of the process flow

16 Module Registration Project Creation Enrollment of Beneficiary Printing of ID Create Distribution Plan Commodity Shipment Distribution Creation of Reports Slide 16

17 Salamat Po Slide 17

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