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You are a Neuron. Write in: Students = neurons Class = neural network Squeeze = neural message Arms = axon Fingers =axon terminal Shoulder / ankles =

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Presentation on theme: "You are a Neuron. Write in: Students = neurons Class = neural network Squeeze = neural message Arms = axon Fingers =axon terminal Shoulder / ankles ="— Presentation transcript:

1 You are a Neuron

2 Write in: Students = neurons Class = neural network Squeeze = neural message Arms = axon Fingers =axon terminal Shoulder / ankles = dendrites

3 3 types Neurons Types of Neurons SensoryMotor Interneurons

4 Spinal Cord Brain Sensory Neuron Sensory Neurons INPUT From sensory organs to the brain and spinal cord Drawing shows a somatic neuron

5 Spinal Cord Brain Sensory Neuron Motor Neuron Motor Neurons OUTPUT From the brain and spinal cord, to the muscles and glands

6 Spinal Cord Brain Sensory Neuron Motor Neuron Interneurons Interneurons carry information between other neurons only found in the brain and spinal cord

7 Neurons



10 The Neuron & Action Potential The basic building block of our nervous system and how it sends messages.

11 Cell Body & Nucleus

12 The Cell Body –round, centrally located structure –contains DNA –controls protein manufacturing –directs metabolism –no role in neural signaling Contains the cell’s nucleus

13 Dendrites

14 Information collectors or receivers Receive inputs or signals from neighboring neurons Inputs may number in thousands If enough inputs the cell’s AXON may generate an electrical output

15 Dendritic Growth Mature neurons generally can’t divide But new dendrites can grow Provides room for more connections to other neurons New connections are basis for learning Studies show people with higher education have more dendritic connections than someone that is a high school dropout.

16 Neural Networks

17 Axon

18 Where all the action is Action Potential takes place – electrical charge is sent down the axon. One axon per cell, 2 distinct parts –tube-like structure –branches at end (axon terminals) that branch out to dendrites of other cells

19 Myelin Sheath White fatty casing on axon Acts as an electrical insulator Not present on all cells When present, increases the speed of neural signals down the axon allowing the action potential to “jump” to each Node of Ranvier - like a paved highway. If this degenerates (dirt road), you have multiple sclerosis and can’t control your muscles.

20 Axon Terminal or Buttons Axon Terminals

21 Axon Terminal or Buttons This is where the electrical impulse triggers synaptic transmission to the dendrites of a receiving neuron.

22 Glial Cells They are the janitors of the neuron. Support cells that provide neurons with structural support and nutrition. They also remove cell wastes and enhance the speed of the neuron

23 A Neural Chain

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