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Clover Rodrigues Cardiff Third Sector Forum 13 December 2013.

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1 Clover Rodrigues Cardiff Third Sector Forum 13 December 2013

2 Financial Such cuts to public service spending not done in the UK before Spending plans imply April 2010 to March 2017 will be the tightest 7 years for public service spending since WWII Commission on Public Services and Governance Welsh Co-operative and Mutuals Commission Continuity and Change – Refreshing the Relationship between the Welsh Government and Third Sector Public Services Leadership Group The Environment

3 Commission on Public Services Governance and Delivery Commission focusing on 6 key areas: Performance and outcomes Scale, capability and capacity Complexity including the effectiveness of partnership working Culture and leadership Governance, delivery and scrutiny Role of the Welsh Government in a maturing devolved context A questionnaire has been sent out to all public bodies

4 Welsh Co-operative & Mutuals Commission Commission’s Terms of Reference Consider the evidence for supporting the co-operative and mutual sector in Wales Consider existing business advice for the co-operative and mutual sector and provide suggestions on how this might be strengthened Identify specific areas that might be targeted for additional support by the Welsh Government Consider best practice and evaluations that may be available; Set out a vision for the co-operative and mutual economy in Wales Identify and establish benchmarks Provide suggestions on strategic direction and practical recommendations for the achievement of the vision.

5 Continuity & Change Draft Third Sector Scheme and Code of Practice for funding Third Sector issued 12 November Further consultation is being undertaken by the Third Sector Partnership Council and a small group looking at specific revisions

6 Public Service Leadership Group The Public Service Leadership Group (PSLG) established to provide national leadership for public service reform and collaboration, and to drive the pace of improvement in public services of Wales. ensuring coherence in the implementation of overall public service reform agenda in Wales, including oversight of the implementation of the Compact and building coherence with the reforms in education, social services, health and other areas sponsorship and mandating of national action to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of public services the development of effective regional leadership for collaboration, building on existing regional leadership structures and the Welsh Government’s geographical footprint for regional collaboration.

7 PSLG work streams Asset Management Making more effective and efficient use of the multi-billion pound public service estate. Procurement Transforming the way public services procure and commission goods and services, currently worth £4.3 billion annually Organisational Development and Simpson Implementation Taking forward the recommendations from the Simpson Review and developing approaches to support change and broader organisational development across the Welsh public service. Effective Services for Vulnerable Groups Promoting the mainstreaming of successful innovation and good practice to make a much greater impact and encourage further innovation, particularly in joining up services around vulnerable people and groups, especially those with complex needs. Also exploring ways in which people help to design and deliver services and shifting interventions from cure to prevention.

8 Third Sector & WLGA A Future Together (2003) - a guide to local government and the third sector working together Quarterly roundtable meetings share sector knowledge and intelligence and develop collaborative projects that could support the respective sectors Examples of projects: Working Together website – good practice case studies Multi-agency network for Alternative Models of Service Delivery

9 Local government challenge How can the councils of the future continue to make a positive impact on people’s lives with less money? The traditional way of doing things no longer works – citizens want different things and local government is trying to solve complex issues with less money Need to work in partnership with stakeholders to deliver citizen centred services – co-definition of the problems, co-design and co- delivery of the solutions Learning from others on how to do things better, less, differently.

10 It’s not easy to change Barriers identified at a WLGA/Cardiff Council sponsored co-production event in November 2013 Leadership commitment and mandate Need buy-in from Welsh public services leadership New language – co-production, co-design Need a consistent explanation for all Welsh public services “Council have cut funding and want us to do everything ourselves” Meaningful conversations with citizens and communities Changing the way in which we work and our relationships – who are the experts? Supporting and building capacity both internally and externally to support alternative ways of doing things

11 Happening as we speak… WCVA – putting people at the centre Public Health Wales – compendium of co-production in health Co-production Wales (All in this Together) – practitioner’s network Multi agency network - WG, One Voice Wales, WCVA, Wales Audit Office, WLGA Collaborative event Spring 2014 to bring together Welsh public service leaders and practitioners, to establish commitment and practice. Will inform a series of collaborative activities to support the programme On-going collection of good practices and experiences, promoted through Good Practice Wales – online single access portal.

12 Thank you and any questions

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