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Global Monitoring Framework for Elimination of New HIV Infections among Children Priscilla Akwara, PhD Senior Adviser, Statistics & Monitoring UNICEF,

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Presentation on theme: "Global Monitoring Framework for Elimination of New HIV Infections among Children Priscilla Akwara, PhD Senior Adviser, Statistics & Monitoring UNICEF,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Global Monitoring Framework for Elimination of New HIV Infections among Children Priscilla Akwara, PhD Senior Adviser, Statistics & Monitoring UNICEF, New York OWN, SCALE-UP & SUSTAIN The 16 th International Conference on AIDS & STIs in Africa 4 to 8 December 2011, Addis Ababa

2 Outline Global targets on eMTCT of HIV Indicators & baselines for eMTCT targets by 2015 Main data sources for indicators Progress monitoring & review schedule

3 Global Targets 2 overall targets (and 2 child targets) Reduce the number of new HIV infections among children by 90% Reduce the number of AIDS-related maternal deaths by 50% o Provide ART for all HIV infected children o Reduce AIDS-related infant deaths by >50%

4 Global targets for each prong Prong 1: Reduce HIV incidence in women aged 15-49 by 50% Prong 2: Reduce unmet need for family planning to 0 (MDG 5b)

5 Prong 3: Reduce mother-to-child transmission of HIV rate (MTCT) to <5% at population level 90% of mothers receive perinatal ARVs for PMTCT 90% of breastfeeding mothers/infants receive postnatal ARVs for PMTCT Prong 4: 90% of HIV+ pregnant women in need of ART for their own health are put on life long ART Targets for each prong

6 Number of new HIV child infections if: - PMTCT coverage/regimen at 2009 levels - Prong 3 (provide ARV/ART to 90% of HIV+ pregnant women) - Prongs 1, 2 and 3 (50% reduction incidence, unmet need for FP to Zero, and 90% ARV/ART HIV+ PW - Prongs 1, 2, and 3 and limit BF to 12 months 367,000 72,000 (79%) 95,000 (73%) 138,000 (60%) Value in 2015 (% reduction)

7 Global indicators, baselines & targets for low- and middle-income countries

8 Link with MDGs 4 & 5 and critical links with MCH Move from coverage targets to emphasis on counting results - new paediatric HIV infections, and MTCT <5% The target is to reduce the number of new paediatric HIV infections by around 90% to c.40,000 new infections by 2015 from the 2009 baseline of c.400,000

9 Estimated MTCT rate & target in low- and middle-income countries, 2009-2015

10 Main Data Sources for eMTCT Indicators Build on existing monitoring & reporting processes - Joint UNICEF/WHO/UNAIDS process & harmonized with PEPFAR and Global Fund Use existing data sources: –Modelled estimates of new infections, transmission & <5 and maternal mortality –Population-based surveys (e.g. DHS, MICS) with HIV testing component –Health facility service statistics from national government authorities or Ministries of Health

11 Progress Monitoring & Review Schedule 2011-2016: Countries conduct annual monitoring and eMTCT programme reviews 2011: Report on global E-MTCT baseline and targets 2012: Annual progress report on indicators and towards MTCT elimination targets 2013: Annual progress report; regional progress review meetings* 2014: Annual progress report; Mid-term review of MTCT elimination; Global progress review meeting 2015: Annual progress report; Regional progress review meetings* 2016: Final report on achieved targets: Global stakeholder meeting *Some regions may have a different schedule


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