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Science, Systems, Matter & Energy Chapter 3:. Science, Systems, Matter & Energy A. Remember… Matter - anything that has mass and takes up space Energy.

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Presentation on theme: "Science, Systems, Matter & Energy Chapter 3:. Science, Systems, Matter & Energy A. Remember… Matter - anything that has mass and takes up space Energy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Science, Systems, Matter & Energy Chapter 3:

2 Science, Systems, Matter & Energy A. Remember… Matter - anything that has mass and takes up space Energy - ability to do work 1. The Law of Conservation of Matter * There is no such thing as throw “away”. Only relocating. 2. Thermodynamics *There is no such thing as breaking even

3 Science, Systems, Matter & Energy B. Systems 1. Key Components: a) Inputs 2. Systems Models (approximate representations/simulations) b) Flows/Throughputs c) Stores/Storage Areas d) Outputs a) Describe how systems work/behave b) Make predictions about the system’s behavior c) Answer “if-then” questions Enable scientists to…

4 Science, Systems, Matter & Energy B. Systems 3. Feedback loops Occur when a change in the system either enhances or hinders another part of the system a) Positive Feedback Loop The change speeds up another part of the system Global Warming Reflective Polar Ice Melts More Open Ocean To Absorb Heat Increases

5 Science, Systems, Matter & Energy B. Systems 3. Feedback loops b) Negative Feedback Loop The change slows down another part of the system Extract & Process Aluminum Ore Aluminum Can Production Aluminum Can Recycling Trash

6 Science, Systems, Matter & Energy C. The Law of Conservation of Problems The technological solution to one problem usually creates one or more other (unanticipated) problems Example: Chemical fertilizers fix the problem of low soil fertility and increase crop outputs but often pollute streams, lakes and/or underground water supplies

7 Science, Systems, Matter & Energy D. High Quality Vs. Low Quality High Quality Low Quality Matter Energy -Concentrated -Close to Earth’s surface -Great potential for use as a matter resource -Dilute -Difficult to obtain -Low potential for use as a matter resource -Organized/Concentrated -Ability to perform useful work -Disorganized/Dispersed -Little ability to perform useful work *Energy Efficiency – amount of useful work accomplished by a particular input of energy into a system


9 Science, Systems, Matter & Energy E. High-Throughput Vs. Low-Throughput Economies 1. High-Throughput Matter High-Waste Economy High-Quality Energy Waste Matter & Pollution Low-Quality Heat Energy Inputs ThroughputsOutput

10 Science, Systems, Matter & Energy E. High-Throughput Vs. Low-Throughput Economies 2. Low-Throughput Reduced Matter Low-Waste Economy High-Quality Energy Waste Matter & Pollution Low-Quality Heat Energy Matter Output Reuse & Recycle

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