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1 Virtual broker system Zlatica Tomašević. 2 Content External domain - Submission of customs declaration Introduction Croatian practise.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Virtual broker system Zlatica Tomašević. 2 Content External domain - Submission of customs declaration Introduction Croatian practise."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Virtual broker system Zlatica Tomašević

2 2 Content External domain - Submission of customs declaration Introduction Croatian practise

3 3 Human Computer Interface –WEB interface –NCTS, EMCS, ICS –Suitable for SMB & SME companies with small amount of documents –Implemented in some EU Countries, not all Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) –System–to- system (Computer-to-computer) exchange of messages between Economic Operators and Customs –Designed for developing Customs’ representative ( customs brokers) application for ISV’s (Independent Software Vendors) and software developed for in-house use –Suitable for SME and large companies with integrated ERP Submission of customs declaration

4 Introduction 4 External domain –national solution Declaring goods via Internet - 2000 G2B service – 2011 –External domain – national realization –Communication between customs and economic operators –“Trader modull” – service for electronic data exchange with economic operators –Covers overall data exchange –NCTS “trader modul” - model for all other systems e-customs –based on open IT standards (HTTP, XML, SOAP, XAdES,...) –use Internet as a communications infrastructure

5 Customs and Customs brokers interface In terms of implementation G2B service is part of the common infrastructure of the IS of the Croatian Customs Administration in charge of the interoperability of the IS of the Customs Administration with customs brokers (economic operators) business applications on the principles of electronic document exchange „Trader documentation” – Instruction for customs brokers ( NCTS,ECS,ICS…) –Description of business processes –Xml schemes –R&C + National R&C –Structure of IE messages –Structure of referent data elements –general and common technical requirements for all business applications –document versioning – 5

6 Customs and Customs brokers interface Customs brokers (economic operator) should have the appropriate business application which –respects rules of communication with the Service G2B –specificities of customs subsystems with which communicates –must be able to send and receive all IE exchanged in external domain with customs office specified in this customs declaration (NCTS - departure, transit and destination) 6

7 Customs and Customs brokers interface G2B services ( application) carried out the following services –authentication and access control (B2G services) –verification of a digital signature (identification and authentication of signatories –authorization requirements –routing requirements to the proper application subsystem ( NCTS, ECS, HRAIS,EMCS…) 7

8 Customs and Customs brokers interface 8

9 G2B Document 9

10 Using the G2B services - preconditions Registration of the Economic operator, authentication certification and empowerment 10 Business application Application for signing messages and exchange G2B documents CertificatesRegistration Readiness for G2B service

11 Using the G2B services ( application ) Roles and application 11 Declarant company’s employee Company’s Administrator Customs administrator COMPANY G2B service Modul for application Modul for administration Modul for registration Customs G2B client

12 Registration of the Customs broker (Economic operator) 12 Employee of the customs broker (company) fulfill the application which provides data about the Customs broker and it’s administrator. After submitting application, print it and verified printed registration 2 The printed application is submitted to the Customs Customs administrator approves the application: customs broker is registered (including the registered customs broker’s administrator AuthZ DB2 In order to customs broker registration and customs broker’s administrator become active, digital identity have to be create in the LDAP, assign customs broker’s administrator a roll for using applications for administration and then update the authorization database. Upon completion of that process, modul for application send e-mail to administrator of a customs broker that the registration has become active and that he/she can access the application for administration 4 Empower ment 3 1

13 Management of authorizations of the customs brokers 13.Customs administrator approve registration of the customs broker’s access certificate (SSL) 6 creates a digital identity of the customs broker, registration has become active and customs broker has access to the G2B service G2B service send information via e-mail about successful registration Empowerm ent Customs broker’s administrator register declarants (including declarant’s electronic signature and data about exam for customs representative. 8*8* Customs administrator approve registration of the customs broker’s declarant 9*9* AuthZ DB2 7 4 Customs broker’s administrator applying customs broker’s certificate through the application for administration

14 Croatian practise Exchange of electronic documents between economic operators and customs IS G2B service – external domain Using normalized (authentication) certificates, through which comes to electronic identity of economic operators Initiator of communication is always economic operators Advanced electronic signature 14

15 Certificates of the Customs brokers 15 Application for administration G2B service (personal or application certificate) Access Certificates (Autentification ) It is used for advanced electronic signature for signing G2B document witch is exchanged to G2B service Electronics signature certificates

16 16 IT tool for Customs brokers eCustomsAgent - SOA-based application Extensive Use of Services – Public & Private eCustomsAgent app. Private ServicesPublic EU and National Services NCTS Guarantee Management TaricService Automated Update Service National Customs TARIC Export Daily Export For Traders ECB, HNB Rates of Exchange Taxation and Customs Union EORI VIES SEED Custom Offices Code lists National Rules & Conditions

17 17 IT tool for Customs brookers eCustomsAgent – Declarant's recordsor Customs brokers l for Customs brokersCustoms entry in the declarant's records Particulars of declaration are at the disposal of the customs authorities in the declarant's electronic system at the time when the customs declaration in the form of an entry in the declarant's records is lodged

18 18 IT tool for Customs brokers eCustomsAgent – ERP integrated application ISV CustomsAgent applications - added functionality in EO’s ERP –Special Procedures Customs Warehousing Inward Processing Outward Processing... eCustomsAgent app. EO - Economic Operator ERPs like SAP Customs

19 Conclusion Communication Education Flexible and standardise IT solution Provide testing environment 19

20 20 Thank you for your attention!

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