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OPENING Describe what you believe microeconomics will cover in 2 sentences.

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1 OPENING Describe what you believe microeconomics will cover in 2 sentences.

2 SSEMI1 The student will describe how households, businesses, and governments are interdependent and interact through flows of goods, services, and money. a. Illustrate by means of a circular flow diagram, the Product market; the Resource (factor) market; the real flow of goods and services between and among businesses, households, and government; and the flow of money. b. Explain the role of money as a medium of exchange and how it facilitates exchange. MONEY AND THE CIRCULAR FLOW MODEL

3 MICROECONOMICS Small scale Covers the interactions of businesses (firms) and households (individuals), with small roles of the government Includes studying markets – any place where buyers and sellers make exchanges The study of markets are at local and sometimes state levels

4 Medium of Exchange Makes it easier to have transactions Store of Value Must hold value over time Unit of Account Provide a common measure of the value of goods and services MONEY’S 3 FUNCTIONS

5 CIRCULAR FLOW MODEL Shows the interaction between households, businesses, and government in the free market. Household – Person or group of people living in the same residence Firm – an organization that uses resources to make a product, which it sells. Resource (Factor) Market – Where firms purchase from households (labor, land, borrowing capital) Product Market – Where households purchase from firms (goods, services) Monetary flows – shows the flow of money Physical flows – shows the flow of goods and services

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