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 Power is the ability someone has to make other people act in certain ways.  Authority is the right to issue directives and expend resources.

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3  Power is the ability someone has to make other people act in certain ways.  Authority is the right to issue directives and expend resources.

4 Source of PowerBasis of Power Reward PowerAbility to provide rewards Coercive PowerAbility to punish Legitimate PowerPosition in the organizational hierarchy Expert PowerSkill, expertise, or knowledge Personality PowerCharacteristics that attract others

5 Source of PowerBasis of Power Reward Power Coercive Power Legitimate Power Expert Power Personality Power Give an example for each of the following

6  The ability to influence people. ◦ Some people seem to be born natural leaders. ◦ Others are happy following their lead. ◦ However, leadership skills can be learned.

7  Leadership studies can be classified by whether they take a universal or contingent approach. ◦ Universal approach assumes there is one way to lead. ◦ Contingent approach assumes that the best approach to leadership depends on the situation.

8 Which do you think is better and why? The Universal Approach or The Contingent Approach

9  Early research focused on what a leader was like, rather than what a leader did.  Qualities associated with good leaders are as follows: LoyaltyTiming CourageCompetiveness StaminaSelf-confidence EmpathyAccountability DecisivenessCharisma

10  Researchers have identified three basic styles of leadership. ◦ Autocratic Leadership -do not listen to other people and make all decisions themselves. ◦ Laissez-Faire Leadership - (hands off ) choose not to lead. ◦ Democratic Leadership - listen to other people’s opinions and encourage the exchange of ideas

11  Looks at leadership styles specific to particular situations (contingent). ◦ Task-motivated leaders gain satisfaction from the performance of a task. ◦ Relationship-motivated leaders gain satisfaction from interpersonal relationships.

12  Addresses the relationship between a leader’s behavior and subordinates’ performance and job satisfaction. ◦ Role classification leaders let group members know what is expected of them, establish methods to use, coordinate work within the group and maintian standards of performance. ◦ Relationship-motivated leaders gain satisfaction from interpersonal relationships.

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