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Human Body. By the age of 60, you have lost half of these… Taste buds.

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Presentation on theme: "Human Body. By the age of 60, you have lost half of these… Taste buds."— Presentation transcript:

1 Human Body

2 By the age of 60, you have lost half of these… Taste buds

3 How much fat is in the average human body? Enough to make 7 bars of soap.

4 How many strands of hair does a human lose a day? 40 to 100 strands

5 It takes 17 muscles to smile and 43 muscles to frown.

6 What is the smallest muscle in the body? The stapedius. It is located in the ear and measures 1/20 th of an inch. It helps protect our sensitive inner ear.

7 How many feet of blood vessels are in a square inch of human skin? 20 feet

8 How many miles of blood vessels are in the human body? 60,000 miles

9 Which day of the week has the greatest risk of heart attack? Monday

10 How many cells die in the human body every minute? 300 million cells

11 Which would a human die from first? Lack of sleep or starvation? Lack of sleep. Death may occur within 10 days without sleep, while starvation takes a few weeks.

12 How many bacteria are on a square inch of the human body? 32 million

13 Jaw muscles can provide about 200 pounds of force.

14 What is the longest muscle in the body? The sartorius. It is located in the thigh and runs from the hip to the knee. It helps us to rotate the hip in and cross our legs.

15 How many gallons of water does the average human drink in a lifetime? 16,000

16 One in 2000 babies is born with a tooth.

17 How fast is a sneeze? It may exceed 100 mph.

18 How long does it take a blood cell to make a complete circuit of the body? 60 seconds

19 How much carbon is in the average human body? Enough to make 900 pencils

20 How long is the small intestine? 20-22 feet

21 How many bones are babies born with? 300. By adulthood, we have only 206.

22 What are the fastest growing hairs on the human body? Beards

23 Laughing lowers levels of stress hormones and strengthens the immune system. Six-year-olds laugh an average of 300 times a day and adults laugh 15 to 100 times a day.

24 How much sulfur is in the average body? Enough to kill all fleas on an average dog.

25 On the average, how much skin do humans shed in a year? 1.5 pounds

26 How much phosphorus is in the average human body? Enough to make 2,200 match heads.

27 What bone are we born without? Kneecap (patella)

28 How much iron is in the average human body? Enough to make a 3 inch nail.

29 How much spit do we produce in a lifetime? About 25,000 quarts. That is enough o fill 2 swimming pools.

30 What percentage of the brain is water? 85%

31 What is the largest organ for humans? The skin.

32 What is the most common blood type in the world? Type O.

33 What is the rarest blood type? Type A-H. It has only been found in less than a dozen people since the type was discovered.

34 What is the only bone in the body that does not connect to another bone? The hyoid bone. It is located in the throat and supports the tongue and its muscles.

35 The sound of a snore can be almost as loud as the noise of a pneumatic drill (up to 69 decibels).

36 How many miles of nerves are in the skin of a human being? 45 miles

37 Who’s heart beats faster, a man’s or woman’s? Woman’s

38 Our stomach secretes hydrochloric acid, a corrosive compound used to treat metals in the industrial world. It can pickle steel, but the mucous lining of the stomach keeps this liquid in the digestive system.

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