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The Rise of Christianity. Rise of Christianity Cont. Early in the Pax Romana (a period of security, order, harmony, flourishing culture, and expanding.

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1 The Rise of Christianity

2 Rise of Christianity Cont. Early in the Pax Romana (a period of security, order, harmony, flourishing culture, and expanding economy) Christianity arose in a distant corner of the Roman empire. The Hellenistic ( a time of adopting Greek civilization in the Mediterranean world from the death of Alexander the Great to Augustus) world and Rome were as important as Judaism to Christianity.

3 Unrest in Judaea The entry of Rome into Jewish affairs was anything but peaceful. – Civil wars of the republic took a toll on the Judaea Reign of Augustus: Appoints Herod king of Judaea (37-4 B.C). – Brought prosperity & security, but Jews hated acceptance of Greek Culture

4 Judaea Cont. After Herod’s death Jews in Judaea broke out in revolt and Civil War. – Years of crop failure caused famine and plague. Prophets started to proclaim the end of the world and the coming of the Messiah, the savior of Israel. Augustus put Judaea under the charge of a prefect (answers directly to the emperor).

5 Judaea: Prefects Many were destructive and indifferent to Jewish culture. – Often acted out of fear not cruelty, prefects fiercely stamped out any signs of discontent. Pontius Pilate, prefect from A.D. 26-36 was incompetent. – Put down even innocent demonstrations.

6 Judea: Bitter about Roman Rule 3 Reasons – Roman Taxes – Harsh enforcement of the law – Misguided religious interference Zealots: extremists who worked and fought to rid Judaea of the Romans.

7 A Jewish Rebellion Is Defeated A.D. 66, discontent flared into rebellion. Fours year later, Roman forces crushed the rebels, captured Jerusalem, and destroyed the Jewish temple.

8 The Life and Teaching of Jesus Jesus of Nazareth (3 B.C.-A.D. 29) – Raised in Galilee, stronghold of the Zealots. Whether or not historians believe in Jesus’ divinity is irrelevant. Their duty is to understand him in his religious, cultural, social, and historical context.

9 Jesus Cont.: The Gospels Evidence for the life and deeds of Jesus is the four Gospels of the New Testament. – Gospels are neither biographies of Jesus nor histories of his life. – Records of his teachings and religious doctrines with certain details of his life. – Gospels written 75 years after his death – Writers all gave their own theological interpretations. Reason why there are discrepancies among the four.

10 Jesus Cont.: The Evidence Jesus preached a heavenly kingdom. – One of eternal happiness in a life after death. Teachings were essentially Jewish. Claimed he was the Messiah and a small band of followers.

11 Jesus Cont.: Pontius Pilate Knew little and cared even less of Jesus’ life and teachings. – Maintain peace and order as the prefect Crowds following Jesus at Passover, alarmed Pilate, faced a volatile situation. – Messiah, disappointed in leadership against Rome, hated and feared Jesus. – Pilate wanted to avoid a riot

12 Pontius Pilate Cont. Pilate was a hard-bitten Roman official who did his duty, at times harshly Enforce the law and keep the peace. – Problems he faced as Jesus stood in from of him To avert rot and bloodshed, Pilate condemned Jesus to death.

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