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Dept of Restorative Dentistry, Almajmaah University, Zilfi KSA

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1 Dept of Restorative Dentistry, Almajmaah University, Zilfi KSA

2 classification

3 Based on number of alloyed metals
Binary contain silver & tin Ternary contain silver, tin and copper Quaternary contain silver, tin, copper and zinc / indium

4 Based on particle shape
Lathe cut particle alloys Spherical particle alloys

5 Lathe cut Irregular in shape in the form of shavings Low Cu ( < 6%)
High Cu

6 spherical Smooth spherical shaped particles low Cu High Cu

7 Based on Copper Content
Low-copper alloys 4 to 6% Cu High-copper alloys thought that 6% Cu was maximum amount due to fear of excessive corrosion and expansion Now contain 9 to 30% Cu at expense of Ag

8 Based on Zinc content Zinc free alloys contain less than 0.01 % zinc
Zinc containing alloy contain more than 0.01% zinc

9 Based on method of Adding Cu
Single composition alloys Admixed alloys

10 Single composition Each particle has same composition
Also known as UNICOMPOSITIONAL Single Composition Lathe-Cut Single Composition Spherical require less mercury smaller surface area easier to wet

11 Admixed alloys Physical mixing of lathe- cut and spherical particles spherical alloys require more mercury lathe-cut particles more difficult to wet

12 Variables Dimensional change Strength Corrosion Creep

13 Dimensional Change Most high-copper amalgams undergo a net contraction
Contraction leaves marginal gap initial leakage post-operative sensitivity reduced with corrosion over time

14 Dimensional Change Net contraction type of alloy
spherical alloys have more contraction less mercury condensation technique greater condensation = higher contraction trituration time overtrituration causes higher contraction

15 Strength Develops slowly Spherical alloys strengthen faster
1 hr: 40 to 60% of maximum 24 hrs: maximum Spherical alloys strengthen faster require less mercury Higher compressive vs. tensile strength Weak in thin sections unsupported edges fracture

16 Corrosion Reduces strength Seals margins low copper high copper
                                                      Corrosion Reduces strength Seals margins low copper 6 months SnO2, SnCl gamma-2 phase high copper months SnO2 , SnCl, CuCl eta-phase (Cu6Sn5)

17 Creep Slow deformation of amalgam placed under a constant load
Gamma 2 dramatically affects creep rate Correlates with marginal breakdown

18 Creep High-copper amalgams have creep resistance
prevention of gamma-2 phase requires >12% Cu total single composition spherical eta (Cu6Sn5) embedded in gamma-1 grains interlock admixture eta (Cu6Sn5) around Ag-Cu particles improves bonding to gamma 1

19 Dentist-Controlled Variables
Manipulation trituration condensation burnishing polishing

20 Trituration Mixing time Overtrituration Undertrituration
refer to manufacturer recommendations Overtrituration “hot” mix sticks to capsule decreases working / setting time slight increase in setting contraction Undertrituration grainy, crumbly mix

21 Condensation Forces lathe-cut alloys spherical alloys admixture alloys
small condensers high force spherical alloys large condensers less sensitive to amount of force vertical / lateral with vibratory motion admixture alloys intermediate handling between lathe-cut and spherical

22 Burnishing Pre-carve Post-carve Combined removes excess mercury
improves margin adaptation Post-carve improves smoothness Combined less leakage

23 Early Finishing After initial set prophy cup with pumice
provides initial smoothness to restorations recommended for spherical amalgams

24 Polishing Increased smoothness Decreased plaque retention
Decreased corrosion

25 Alloy Selection Handling characteristics
Mechanical and physical properties Clinical performance

26 Handling Characteristics
Spherical advantages easier to condense around pins hardens rapidly smoother polish disadvantages difficult to achieve tight contacts higher tendency for overhangs

27 Handling Characteristics
Admixed advantages easy to achieve tight contacts good polish disadvantages hardens slowly lower early strength

28 Compressive Strength (MPa)
Amalgam Properties Compressive Strength (MPa) % Creep Tensile Strength (24 hrs) (MPa) Amalgam Type 1 hr 7 days Low Copper1 145 343 2.0 60 Admixture2 137 431 0.4 48 Single Composition3 262 510 0.13 64 1Fine Cut, Caulk Dispersalloy, Caulk 3Tytin, Kerr

29 Mercury toxicity Allergy < 1% of treated population
An antigen antibody-reaction itching rashes sneezing swelling Difficulty in breathing

30 Toxicity Mercury vapor inhalation ( to dentist or dental assistant)
Type IV hypersensitivity reaction.

31 Precautions Skin contacted should be washed with soap and water.
Spilled mercury should be cleaned as soon as possible. Clinic should be well ventilated. Amalgam scrap and mercury contaminated instruments should not be subjected to heat sterilization. Vacuum cleaners should not be used. Ultrasonic amalgam condenser should not be used.

32 Suggested reading Craig’s Restorative Dental Materials
13th edition by Sakaguchi RL and Powers JM Philip’s Science of dental materials 11th edition by Kenneth J. Anusavic

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