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MENTAL HEALTH #getloud. Learning Goals I will understand the importance of positive mental health. I will determine strategies to attain positive mental.

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Presentation on theme: "MENTAL HEALTH #getloud. Learning Goals I will understand the importance of positive mental health. I will determine strategies to attain positive mental."— Presentation transcript:

1 MENTAL HEALTH #getloud

2 Learning Goals I will understand the importance of positive mental health. I will determine strategies to attain positive mental health. I will examine the resources available to help with mental health issues.

3 1. What is Mental Health? As a group, come up with a definition on the white board.

4 A state of well-being in which every individual: realizes his or her own potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to her or his community. World Health Organization

5 2. Why is it important? White board it …

6 Mental Health … So why is it sooooooooooo important!?!?!? an essential part of your overall health mental fitness helps you maintain a state of good mental health. more than just the absence of mental illness – it’s a state of well-being.

7 When Mentally Healthy… you enjoy your life and environment, and the people in it. you can be creative, learn, try new things, and take risks. you are able to cope with difficult times. It’s important to be aware of your mental health. Without awareness, it’s difficult to pinpoint why you are so stressed or having problems coping

8 Positive Mental Health Having positive mental health means you are able to: Enjoy life Be resilient Strive for balance in your life Work to achieve your full potential Be flexible

9 up to 70% of young adults living with mental health problems report that the symptoms started in childhood?

10 22 per cent of Ontarians have experienced at least one mental health problem in their lifetime. Women are more likely than men to experience a mental health problem, specifically anxiety or depression. 31 per cent of 15- to 24-year olds have experienced a mental health problem 27 per cent have anxiety problems

11 Older people experience depression more often than younger people. Mental disorders (especially depression) are more common among people who are separated, divorced or widowed. 52 per cent of Ontarians whose parents have experienced a mental health problem also experience a mental disorder.

12 3. How can you attain positive mental health? White board it …

13 Tips for Positive Mental Health Have positive, respectful relationships with family and friends. Talk to people you trust when you’re feeling down or stressed. Learn some ways to relax and cope. Choose safe and healthy ways to deal with negative feelings—like going for a walk or listening to music. Practice positive self-talk. Don’t be so hard on yourself. We all make mistakes. Do things you enjoy. Eat healthy foods, be active and get enough sleep. Help others—it will make you feel good too.

14 4. Think of a down day … How did you feel? How did you act? What did you say? How did you get out of the ‘funk’?

15 Getting Help Have you ever felt: so angry or so sad that you can’t cope with day-to-day life? like your body is unattractive and letting you down? unsure which way to turn, and like a deer caught in the headlights? that you need alcohol or drugs to feel better and get through the day? like you are constantly fighting with people or have pulled back from those you care about? overwhelmed by a sense of hopelessness and helplessness?

16 Getting Help A lot of young people experience these feelings and they can be overpowering at times. But once you acknowledge that you might have a mental health issue, you can get the help and support you need, and feel like yourself again.

17 5. Signs and Symptoms What do you think are some of the signs and symptoms of mental illness? Brainstorm on the white boards.

18 Abuse of drugs and/or alcohol Changes in school performance, falling grades Inability to cope with daily problems and activities Changes in sleeping and/or eating habits Excessive complaints of physical problems Missing a lot of school, stealing, damaging property or problems with the law Low self-esteem and negative body image Prolonged feelings of unhappiness and thoughts of self-harm or suicide Uncontrollable outbursts of anger

19 6. Where/who can you turn to? On whiteboards, brainstorm a list …

20 Finding Your Support System The first steps are always the toughest, but knowing where to look for help is a good start. Internet Library Family and friends Educational events School supports Community resources Family doctor

21 Learning Goals Revisited I will understand the importance of positive mental health. I will determine strategies to attain positive mental health. I will examine the resources available to help with mental health issues.

22 Your Task… Mental health concept map!

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