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Byzantine Empire & Eastern Europe 300-1453 A.D. Justinian, Kiev, the Rise of the Russian Empire & the Turks 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Byzantine Empire & Eastern Europe 300-1453 A.D. Justinian, Kiev, the Rise of the Russian Empire & the Turks 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Byzantine Empire & Eastern Europe 300-1453 A.D. Justinian, Kiev, the Rise of the Russian Empire & the Turks 1

2 Byzantine Empire 1.The Other ½ of Rome 2.Influences Constantine moved the capitol of the Roman Empire east because of the invading Germanic & nomadic tribes The new capitol, Constantinople, was located on the Bosporus Strait & controlled passage between the Mediterranean & Black Seas Rome fell in 476 A.D., the eastern half of the empire continued until 1453 A.D. The Byzantine culture was strongly influenced by Greece Constantinople became a major trade center for Europe, Africa, & Asia The cultures of all three continents influenced the development of the Byzantine culture Summarize it in your own words. 2

3 Religion 3.Schism Religion played an important role in the Byzantine culture, family life, arts, & education all revolved around religious debate The empire sent missionaries to neighboring areas to convert them to the Christian faith Disagreements between the eastern & western churches developed, the Bishop/Patriarch of Rome (Pope) claimed to be the head of the church while the eastern church viewed all the bishops/patriarchs as equal, both bishops followed the orders of the emperor, then a disagreement over icons developed, celibacy of priests was also an issue between the churches In 1054 the Church split with the two patriarchs excommunicating each other 3 Summarize it in your own words.

4 Slavs from the Steppe 4.The Slavs of the Steppe Northeastern Europe between the Black & Baltic Seas is the Steppe (large plain) and thick forests and shallow rivers. The land is fertile but difficult to farm because of the cold climate. The Slavs are the native cultures in this region. Vikings from Scandinavia conquered the Slavs. Byzantine missionaries & traders travelled to this northern region, trading centers developed at Kiev, Novgorod, & Moscow The missionaries Cyril & Methodius created the Cyrillic alphabet to write the Slavic languages, it is still used today. Cyrillic alphabet 4 Summarize it in your own words.

5 Cyrillic Writing Edison Career and Technology High School Едисон Цареер анд Течнологы Хигх Щоол Global Studies Глобальные Исследования

6 The Rise of Kiev & Russia 5.Kievan Russia Kiev became a major trading center in the early Middle Ages, under Vladimir I the kingdom converted to Eastern Orthodox Christianity and grew & prospered. Vladimir brought teachers & scholars from Constantinople to improve his city. Kiev fell because Yaroslav the Wise divided the empire among his sons instead of passing it to the eldest, the Crusades also disrupted trade and ruined the Kievan economy Mongols invaded & conquered Russia in the 1200s and the Golden Horde ruled Russia for 200 years, isolating it from Western Europe Mongols used Russian nobles to crush rebellions & collect taxes from the local peasants in return the nobles could rule as they pleased 6 Summarize it in your own words.

7 Russia 6.Moscow, Russia In 1320 Prince Ivan I of Moscow (a city located by the Volga, Dneiper, & Don Rivers) became the Grand Prince, the ruler & tax collector of all the Slavic lands controlled by the Mongols. Ivan had the Patriarch of Kiev move to Moscow making it the political & religious capitol of the region. Ivan I wanted to make Moscow the “Third Rome.” Ivan III named himself Czar of Russia and broke with the Mongols, in 1480 the two armies met but never fought. The bloodless battle marks the end of Mongol control of Russia and the start of the Russian Empire. 7 Summarize it in your own words.

8 Architectural Diffusion The architecture had to be adapted to the snowy climate of Russia. A flat dome would collapse under the weight of the snow. Hagia Sophia, Constantinople/Istanbul Russian Orthodox Church, Alaska

9 The Rise of the Turks 7.Turks The Abbasid Empire controlled the region south of the Byzantine Empire Nomadic herders from the Asian Steppe called the Turks began to move into the empire & convert to Islam Turkish children were bought and trained as military slaves (mamelukes) for the Abbasid rulers, this position gave them power and eventually allowed them to take over the empire The Abbasids, Persians, & Turks all tried to control the region In 1055 the Turks took control and kept it by gaining the support of their Persian subjects, the Turks adopted much of the Persian culture including the title Shah for their leader. 9 Summarize it in your own words.

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