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Presentation on theme: "CITY AND COUNTY OF BROOMFIELD 2015 CITIZEN SURVEY PRESENTATION OF RESULTS."— Presentation transcript:


2 Using Survey Results Monitor trends in resident opinion Measure government performance Inform budget, land use, strategic planning decisions Benchmark service ratings

3 Survey Background & Methods Mailed to 3,000 households 867 completes (30% response rate) ±3% margin of error Results weighted Benchmark comparisons National Front Range Demographic comparisons Geographic comparisons

4 Quality of Life Key Finding #1:

5 Overall Quality of Life Over Time Percent excellent or good

6 in excellent or good Place to live Place to live Place to raise children Place to raise children Neighborhood as a place to live Neighborhood as a place to live

7 Government Performance Key Finding #2:

8 Overall Quality of City and County Services 83% 2015 Percent excellent or good Similar to 2012

9 Quality of Government Performance Overall quality of services Ease of accessing services Opportunities for citizen involvement Overall direction Communicating events, issues and programs Value of services for taxes paid Listening to citizens 8 in 10 7 in 10 excellent or good Overall performance of City Council

10 Contact with City and County Employees What was your impression of the employee of the City and County of Broomfield? Knowledgeable Courteous 93% Overall impression 92% Responsive 91% Contact with City or County employee

11 Safety Key Finding #3:

12 Perceptions of Safety 12 Neighborhood after dark Parks during day Parks after dark Neighborhood during day 98% 73% 97% FlatIron Crossing during day 93% 95% FlatIron Crossing after dark 81%

13 Safety Services Percent excellent/good or essential/very important

14 Health and Leisure Services Key Finding #4:

15 Quality of Health, Leisure and Educational Opportunities Highest rated services: Parks (93%) Soccer/football fields (93%) The Paula Derda Recreation Center (92%) Open space and trails (91%) Lowest rated services: Reproductive health/family planning (66%) Mental healthcare(59%) Broomfield area entertainment (59%) Percent excellent or good

16 Importance of Health, Leisure and Educational Opportunities Most important services: Parks (90%) Healthcare (90%) Library services (90%) Mental healthcare (85%) Least important services: Auditorium facility (58%) CSU extension services (58%) Local cultural and arts events (58%) Auditorium event information (56%) Percent essential or very important

17 Participation in Parks/Recreation Programs Percent at least once in the last 12 months Visited a park Visited an open space site Visited Broomfield public art sites Visited Community Center/Senior Center Attended a program at Broomfield Library Utilized CSU Extension Services 93% 83% 70% 45% 34% 10%

18 Respondents indicated they were not likely to use a community garden Somewhat likely 28% Not likely 56%

19 Service Delivery Key Finding #5:

20 Quality of Facility and Transportation Services DMV Animal Control Storm water Drainage Street lighting Building department/inspections Sewer services Drinking water Percent excellent or good 9/10 8/10

21 Importance of Facility and Transportation Services Sewer Drinking water DMV Animal Control Building department/inspections At least… 9 in 10 8 in 10 essential or very important Storm drainage Street lighting essential or very important

22 Quality of City and State Maintained Roads State Street cleaning Snow and ice removal Bike lanes Street repair/resurfacing Traffic signal timing Street cleaning Snow and ice removal Bike lanes Street repair/resurfacing Traffic signal timing City 53% 63% 60% 66% 69% 72% 79% 60% 76% 75% Percent excellent or good

23 Engagement and Fiscally Responsible Services Percent excellent/good or essential/very important

24 Quality of County Services 24 Combined Court Services Reproductive Health/ Family Planning Senior Citizen Services Workforce Center 77% 88% 77% Immunization Clinic 83% Child Protection Services 80%

25 Community Economic Development Key Finding #6:

26 Citizen Priorities Please describe what you think should be the top priority for the City and County of Broomfield. “Building a downtown.” “Filling up empty retail spaces.” “Some street maintenance could be improved.” “Widening commonly used roads to avoid traffic jams.” “Citizens safety (children particularly)” “Providing a safe and secure community for all citizens.” Economic Development: Roads, transportation and traffic: Safety, crime, police and fire:

27 Perceptions of Growth

28 National Benchmarks 3 received similar ratings 58 received higher ratings 3 received lower ratings

29 Front Range Benchmarks 5 received similar ratings 49 received higher ratings 3 received lower ratings

30 Geographic Differences  Ward 2 Tended to give less positive ratings to: aspects of quality of life aspects of government performance  Ward 5 Tended to be more likely to participate in a community garden

31 Opportunities Moving Forward  Economic Development Retail growth Dining opportunities Job opportunities Access to affordable quality housing  Increase in perception of problems Property crimes Illegal drugs Street conditions Weeds  Lower Benchmark Ratings


33 Chelsey Farson, Presenter Research Associate


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