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Автор: Случевский В.В. ФГБОУ СПО «Брянское государственное училище (техникум) олимпийского резерва» 2014 г.

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Presentation on theme: "Автор: Случевский В.В. ФГБОУ СПО «Брянское государственное училище (техникум) олимпийского резерва» 2014 г."— Presentation transcript:


2 Автор: Случевский В.В. ФГБОУ СПО «Брянское государственное училище (техникум) олимпийского резерва» 2014 г.

3 American Christmas Traditions Choose a category. You will be given the questions. You must give the correct answers.

4 Click here for Final Question Choose a point value? How much will you wager?


6 Where does Santa Claus live?

7 The North Pole

8 In the 1920’s, which world-wide beverage company adopted the Santa Claus figure as their winter advertisement?

9 Coca-Cola

10 What is Santa’s Dutch name?

11 St. Nicholas St. Nicholas

12 In what year was St. Nicholas given the name Santa Claus?

13 1863

14 Name Santa’s nine reindeer.

15 Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner, Blitzen, Rudolph

16 “Frosty, the _____, was a jolly happy soul.”

17 Snowman

18 “All I want for Christmas is my two _____ _____.”

19 Front teeth

20 “Oh, what fun it is to ride in a one horse _____ _____. Hey!” (2 words)

21 Open sleigh

22 “Here comes Santa Claus, Here comes Santa Claus, right down _____ _____ _____.” (3 words)

23 Santa Claus Lane

24 In “Frosty the Snowman,” what were Frosty’s last words before he melted?

25 “I’ll be back again some day.”

26 Which two colors together are a symbol of Christmas?

27 Green and Red

28 What decoration is made of tree branches, has a big bow on it, and is normally hung on doors?

29 Christmas Wreaths

30 What hangs from the tips of elves shoes, are worn by some as earrings, and are attached to the reigns of Santa’s sleigh?

31 Jingle Bells

32 What is hung in doorways, and if two people stand under it at the same time, they are supposed to kiss?

33 Mistletoe

34 Where in New York is the tree that is displayed every year, and is a minimum of 65’ tall and 35’ wide?

35 Rockefeller Center

36 What is one of the most popular drinks at Christmas time that contains milk, eggs and sugar?

37 Eggnog

38 What is the name of the red and white striped candy that is sometimes hung on Christmas trees as decoration?

39 Candy Cane

40 Dr. Suess wrote about a monster that stole Christmas. Who stole Christmas?

41 The Grinch

42 What is the name of the most popular Christmas Ballet

43 The Nutcracker

44 Which movie is about a boy that wants a BB gun for Christmas, and everyone warns him, “You will shoot your eye out!”

45 The Christmas Story

46 What traditional snack is left for Santa Claus by young children on Christmas Eve?

47 Cookies and Milk

48 Where are Christmas stockings hung traditionally?

49 By the chimney with care

50 Who brought a majority of the Christmas traditions that we now celebrate to the United States?

51 Europeans

52 From which country does the tradition of gift-giving come from?

53 Italy

54 In what direction does the star lead the three kings of the orient?

55 Westward

56 Make your wager Final question

57 What story did Robert May write to cheer up his 4 year old daughter that was sad because her mother was dying of cancer?

58 Rudolph the Red- Nosed Reindeer

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