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 Freedom of speech, religion, press, right to assemble and petition.

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3  Freedom of speech, religion, press, right to assemble and petition

4  Right to bear arms

5  Search and seizure…no search of private property without a warrant or probable cause

6  Double Jeopardy- cannot be charged with same crime twice  Eminent Domain: government cannot take private property without paying owner  Right to remain silent…cannot be forced to testify against yourself

7  Right to a speedy trial  Right to a trial by jury  Right to face accusers…and to bring witnesses to defend your case

8  No Cruel or unusual punishment. Prevents torture

9  Ended slavery and indentured servitude

10  Gave all men the right to vote…no matter their race

11  Gave women the right to vote

12  Changed the voting age from 21 to 18

13  2/3 of both houses of Congress vote to propose an Amendment

14 ¾ of all states must vote to approve an Amendment

15 Checks and balances ensures that one branch does not gain too much power, and to protect our rights

16  Veto laws  Can call special sessions of Congress  Propose laws  Propose Budget  Commander in Chief

17  Appoint judges  Can grant pardons to federal offenders

18  Override Veto  Appropriate funds  Approve appointments  Make laws  Impeach president  Approve treaties  Approve budget  Declare war  Raise Revenue  Print and Coin $

19  Can propose Amendments  Impeach judges  Approve judges

20  Declare executive acts unconstitutional

21  Declare laws unconstitutional

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