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Geography of Ancient China  You will need 5-B note sheet  brown, green, yellow, red and blue colored pencils which we will hand out 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Geography of Ancient China  You will need 5-B note sheet  brown, green, yellow, red and blue colored pencils which we will hand out 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Geography of Ancient China  You will need 5-B note sheet  brown, green, yellow, red and blue colored pencils which we will hand out 1

2 2 A.Second largest country in Asia I. General information content/uploads/2012/04/MAP.jpg

3 3 A.Second largest country in Asia B.80% of China’s population lives on 1 / 4 of the land along the coastal areas & rivers I. General information de-China-1971.jpg

4 4 A.Second largest country in Asia B.80% of China’s population lives on 1 / 4 of the land along the coastal areas & rivers C.Varied Climate I. General information

5 5 A.Causes 1.West & Southwest: Tien Shan II. Geographic Isolation & Himalaya Mts

6 6 A.Causes 2.North: ­­­ Gobi Desert II. Geographic Isolation

7 7 A.Causes 3. Southeast: Thick rainforests II. Geographic Isolation

8 8 A.Causes 4.East: Pacific Ocean II. Geographic Isolation

9 9 B.Effects 1.Ethnocentrism: belief that your ethnicity is superior a.Therefore, the Chinese believed they were the center of the earth, and b.the sole source of civilization II. Geographic Isolation

10 10 B.Effects 1.Ethnocentrism: belief that your ethnicity is superior 2.Ancient Chinese referred to their land as the Middle Kingdom II. Geographic Isolation

11 11 B.Effects 3. However, they had some contact with peoples outside their country because Chinese goods were found in Middle East and beyond. II. Geographic Isolation

12 12 A. Along the east coast and the valleys of the Huang and III. Other geographic features Chang Rivers lays the Heartland of China

13 13 B. Outlaying regions include Xinjiang, Mongolia, and Manchuria C. Himalayan Region of Tibet III. Other geographic features Xinjiang Mongolia Manchuria Tibet

14 14 A.Neolithic farmers settled in Huang River Valley IV. The River of Sorrows a.k.a. Huang River a.k.a. Yellow River oZDG8fzHruI/TYhOTYnineI/AAAAAAAAAY o/X5gsBojcQhY/s400/neolithic_village.jpg http://ehsworldstudiesjackoboice2011- er3.jpg

15 15 A.Neolithic farmers settled in Huang River Valley B.Large water projects to control flow of river led to the rise of a strong, central government IV. The River of Sorrows a.k.a. Huang River a.k.a. Yellow River 1014_irrigation3%20yellow%20rive%20dykes%20columb22.jpg

16 16 C. loess, a fine yellow silt, IV. The River of Sorrows a.k.a. Huang River a.k.a. Yellow River /images/china_map2.jpg 0/05/loess.jpg

17 17 C. loess, a fine yellow silt, IV. The River of Sorrows a.k.a. Huang River a.k.a. Yellow River settles to the bottom of the river bottom and raises the water level. When it rained heavily, this caused the river to swell and flood the land.

18 18 IV. The River of Sorrows a.k.a. Huang River a.k.a. Yellow River

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