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Career Search in WSR Information Workshop March 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Career Search in WSR Information Workshop March 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Career Search in WSR Information Workshop March 2012

2 Is there a ‘Straight’ career path anymore??

3 What is Career Search? Career Search is a student led, project based career exploration program. Teams of students design and manage projects that explore a career area of mutual interest and the path needed to get there. Students communicate their insights to their peers using media and formats types as determined by them.

4 Whole School Responsibility State Initiatives that are addressed; ▫School Leaving Age. ▫National Curriculum ▫Boys Education ▫Girls Education ▫Aboriginal Education

5 Connections with WSR Portfolio’s Aboriginal Education Literacy and Numeracy Leadership and Management Engagement and Attainment Curriculum and Assessment Organisational Effectiveness. DEC’s 5yr Strategic Plan

6 6 4 Pillars of Career and Transition Support Careers professionals Community and employers Parents and carers ……Peers

7 making a difference amazingness surviving till friday

8 amazingness the world should be free open connected innovative strong collaborative brave independent

9 amazingness fair sustainable peace happiness opportunity healthy community love we are here

10 amazingness the world should be we could be x

11 poor morale soul-sucking meetings pointless emails arse covering silo distrust bureaucracy blockage turf squabbles burnout stress work-life imbalance cynicism fear unsustainable work practices gfc amazingness losing talent shaky funding backlog buck-passing no time to think politics poor image everyone‘s an expert except us

12 amazingness x vision capabilit y barriers

13 Exploring Career Futures Engagement & Attainment Aboriginal Education Curriculum & Assessment Planning Transition Pathways Engagement & Attainment Aboriginal Education Curriculum & Assessment Strengthening Student Outcomes through Vocational learning Engagement & Attainment Literacy & Numeracy Curriculum & Assessment Building Networks Engagement & Attainment Aboriginal Education Making Connections

14 14 Career Search elements Project based learning Curriculum based – BOS Work Education+ Investigating career options Young person led & directed Teacher in facilitator role Working in teams TLC & CIR skills Engaging with the community Presenting findings to peers, parents and other adults Skills for life

15 Benefits for Students Focuses on Teamwork, Leadership and Communication Develops in Students: Problem-solving Research skills Career Exploration Confidence Initiative responsibility


17 External Evaluative Processes WSR embraced Career Search from the trial period. Only NSW Region actively pursuing career search. Engagement of parents The value of scaffolding Career Search is most effective when it is seen as an integral component of a teaching program NOT an add-on !

18 Why? What if? How about? Why should I bother? Planning! What’s the plan? Cost? Benefit? Risk? Who does what? What are the presentation options? Starting! Internet research. Contact with employers Building a resource Presenting the resource How? Who do I work with? What are the problems? What direction do we go in? How could we work together?

19 Why? What if? How about? Why should I bother? How? Who do I work with? What are the problems? What direction do we go in? How could we work together? Planning! What’s the plan? Cost? Benefit? Risk? Who does what? What are the presentation options? Starting! Internet research. Contact with employers Building a resource Presenting the resource

20 Operational Considerations Role of the teacher Facilitation of young person led projects Teacher planning for project success ▫Budgeting ▫Transport ▫Risk assessment ▫Access to technology

21 Regional Models of Career Search Chifley College Shalvey Campus St Clair High School Pendle Hill High School Parramatta High School Richmond High School Colo High School

22 Wiki Resources

23 Student Led Learning H:\Career Search\QLA- StudentTeacherContinuumPoster.pdfH:\Career Search\QLA- StudentTeacherContinuumPoster.pdf

24 24 Enterprise learning developing enterprising behaviour in authentic situations taking responsibility… initiative, resourcefulness, drive and commitment apply what is being learned in the classroom to their wider lives identify, initiate and successfully manage projects that are real and relevant for them

25 25 Industry links Communicating directly with students Currency of information Flexibility A manageable commitment Multiplier effect Networks and connections Sample communications

26 Online and other Resources Student log book online Student Pathways Survey Student Reflection Journal

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