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The Verb Jugar P. 208 Realidades 1.

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1 The Verb Jugar P. 208 Realidades 1

2 The Verb Jugar In Spanish, the verb jugar is used to talk about playing a sport or a game. Even though jugar uses the same endings as the other -ar verbs, it has a different stem in some forms.

3 The Verb Jugar For those forms, the -u- becomes -ue- .
This kind of verb is called a “stem-changing verb.” Here are the present tense forms...

4 Jugar (To Play) Yo juego I play Nosotros jugamos We play Tú juegas
You play Ud (plays) Él – he juega Ella-she Nosotros jugamos We play Uds.-yall play Ellos -they (M) juegan Ellas- they (F)

5 The Verb Jugar Many Spanish speakers always use jugar a and the name of the sport or game: ¿Juegas al vóleibol? Others do not use the a: ¿Juegas vóleibol?

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