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Significant Figures Box and Dot Method. Step 1  Draw a box around all nonzero digits, beginning with the leftmost nonzero digit and ending with the rightmost.

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Presentation on theme: "Significant Figures Box and Dot Method. Step 1  Draw a box around all nonzero digits, beginning with the leftmost nonzero digit and ending with the rightmost."— Presentation transcript:

1 Significant Figures Box and Dot Method

2 Step 1  Draw a box around all nonzero digits, beginning with the leftmost nonzero digit and ending with the rightmost nonzero digit in the number.  0.0123012300

3 Definitions  Trailing zeros- refers to any and all zeros present to the right of the rightmost nonzero digit.( i.e. to the right of the box drawn in STEP 1)  Leading zeros- refers to any and all zeros present to the left of the leftmost nonzero digit.( i.e. to the left of the box drawn in STEP 1)

4 Step 2  If dot (aka decimal point) is present, draw a box around any trailing zeros.  0.0123012300

5 Step 3  Consider any and all boxed digits significant.  0.0123012300  How many significant digits?

6 Significant Figures Calculations

7 Multiplying and Dividing  The LEAST number of significant figures in any number of the problem determines the number of significant figures in the answer.  Multiply or divide  Round

8 Adding and Subtracting  Add or subtract  Round the answer to the LEAST number of places in the decimal portion of any number in the problem.  The least precise quantity has the fewest digits to the right of the decimal point.

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