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The Social Dimension/Lifelong Learning: EC perspective Maria Kristin Gylfadottir DG EAC, European Commission.

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Presentation on theme: "The Social Dimension/Lifelong Learning: EC perspective Maria Kristin Gylfadottir DG EAC, European Commission."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Social Dimension/Lifelong Learning: EC perspective Maria Kristin Gylfadottir DG EAC, European Commission

2 Overview 1.Social Dimension – Equity & Lifelong learning in higher education: definitions 1.European policy context 2.Specific EU priorities for Social Dimension & LL in higher education –ongoing/future work

3 1.1 Equity & Social Dimension: definitional issues  EU uses concept of equity – embedded in the wider context of Social Dimension  A general concept: equity refers to disproportionality in the representation of various status groups  Equity in higher education: different national understandings in EU:  "the extent to which individuals can take advantage of education and training, in terms of opportunity access, treatment and outcomes (COM 2006)  Bologna context – Social Dimension – "the student body entering, participating in and completing HE at all levels should reflect the diversity of our populations"…."students [should be] able to complete their studies without obstacles related to their social and economic background." (London Communique, 2007)

4 1.2 "Lifelong learning": definitional issues  A general concept: learning throughout life, developing, "upgrading" knowledge and skills  Lifelong Learning in higher education: different national understandings in EU:  "non-formal" courses, outside formal degrees  "flexible" degree programmes (part-time, distance, eLearning, evening / weekend)  Targeted professional development / skills upgrading (regulated professions / tailor-made)

5 2. European policy context  Part of Bologna Process: LLL and Social Dimension  EUA: European Universities' Charter on Lifelong Learning – 10 commitments  EU:  Council Conclusions – equity (2006) & social dimension (2010)  Education & Training 2020 – LLL a priority  Europe 2020 strategy for growth and jobs – 40% HE headline target  Modernisation Agenda for higher education (2011) – access to HE, dropouts/completion rates

6 1.4 Europe 2020: 40% headline target

7 2.1 Key priorities for lifelong learning in HE LLL: a key role to play in meeting skills demands Creating conditions for LLL: Pathways (non-traditional routes to higher education = possible) Recognition of prior learning /Validation of non- formal & informal learning (important for more flexible pathways) Flexible provision (part-time, work-based, evenings, distance and eLearning) Cooperation with external organisations, including employers

8 2.2 Alternative routes to higher education

9 2.3 Widening access - permeability  Permeability between different educational systems highlighted in Modernisation Agenda  Closer cooperation between VET/HE  Joint meeting of Directors´General for VET/HE in October 2013 – theme: permeability  Link to work on development of National Qualifications Frameworks and European Qualifications Framework  Learning Outcomes approach  Council Recommendation on validation of non-formal and informal learning (Nov 2012)

10 2.3 Widening access - dropouts and completion rates  NESET Analytical Report (January 2013)  Overview of studies on attainment and completion rates  Insight into different factors relating to the issue- definitions of concept/”diversification”  Assessment of the scale and nature of the problem  New Mapping study (TBC – tender 2013)  Mapping of national (institutional) policies/ 6-8 CASE STUDIES  Analysis of effectiveness of different approaches and how different factors (structural, institutional, persona, socio- cultural) influence completion/dropout rates.  New methodology for duration & completion rates  Joint work of EC and Eurostat in 2013-2014  Feasibility study – develop methodology to collect admin. data  ss

11 2.3 Widening access - dropouts and completion rates  Peer Learning Activity – dropout/completion rates  Thematic Working Group on HE  Dates: Prague, 4-6 March 2012  Participants: ministry/university representatives from 10-12 countries

12 2.4 Widening Access – different funding models  New study on influence of different models of funding (different levels of cost-sharing) – in line commitments made in the 2011 Modernisation Agenda  Focus: analyse the influence of cost-sharing in nine case study HE systems. Special focus: teaching provision  Take into account financial indicators and selected indicators of system “performance”  a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods to identify the influence of the degree of cost-sharing on the effectiveness, efficiency and equity of the higher education systems examined, while highlighting other key explanatory factors.  Kick-off meeting 10 December 2012

13 2.5 Recognition of prior learning


15 2.5 Validation of non-formal and informal learning  Council Conclusions (2004)  Principles on validation adopted  Europass framework established (2004)  Improving communication and presentation of qualifications and competences throughout Europe  Council Conclusions 2009 – E&T 2020  LLL should cover learning in all contexts whether formal, non-formal or informal  Council Recommendation (26 Nov 2012) – non-binding  Develop clear routes in to HE from VET and other types of education and tackling challenges related to implementation of NQFs linked to EQFs  Member States invited to establish validation systems by 2015 - including the possibility to obtain a full or partial qualification on the basis of non-formal or informal learning.

16 2.6 Changing pedagogical landscape of learning; new ways of teaching and learning  Commitment in Modernisation Agenda to promote quality and relevance in HE through flexible, innovative learning approaches and delivery methods.  New proposed study (TBC)  to examine the existence of barriers to more differentiation in learning (governance, funding frameworks, quality assurance frameworks, cultural), opportunities and how institutions have managed to overcome barriers  Study to be carried out 2014-2015

17 2.7 Other ongoing studies  Eurydice report – Social Dimension  Access to HE, dropouts/completion rates/employability  Results mid-2013  Eurostudent V Study  Social Aspects of Student Life – background  Extended chapter on learning mobility compared to previous versions (international students included)  First results – mid-2014

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