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JFCC-IMD Road to JFCC-IMD Annual Training Plan STRATCOM / MDA Immersion Day 26 May 05.

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Presentation on theme: "JFCC-IMD Road to JFCC-IMD Annual Training Plan STRATCOM / MDA Immersion Day 26 May 05."— Presentation transcript:

1 JFCC-IMD Road to JFCC-IMD Annual Training Plan STRATCOM / MDA Immersion Day 26 May 05

2 2 FOUO Training efforts enhance mission readiness through improvement of training programs, infrastructure, and processes. Combatant commanders, working with JFCC-IMD and MDA, will routinely integrate missile defense operations and logistics tasks into training, leading to an ability to collaboratively plan and execute the IMD mission. The IMD community will make use of RDT&E events, the Distributive Multi-echelon Education and Training System (DMETS), and joint exercises to allow preparedness assessment and training prioritization. Combatant commanders will invite allies to participate in ways tailored to allied involvement in missile defense. Commander’s Intent

3 3 FOUO Input JTP Output Training Proficiency Evaluations (TPE) Process Develop JMETL Requirements Phase Process Develop JTP Plans Phase Process Develop TPAs Develop MTAs Assessment Phase Input NMS Output JMETL Input TPEs Input JMETL Output Issues Lessons Learned TPAs Output JTP Execution Phase NMS - National Military Strategy JMETL - Joint Mission Essential Task List JTP - Joint Training Plan TPE - Training Proficiency Evaluation TPA - Training Proficiency Assessment MTA - Mission Training Assessment Other Users Process Execute Evaluate Report Tng Events Joint Training System (JTS)

4 4 FOUO Annual Training Plan (ATP) Requirements: – Step 1. Joint Mission Essential Task List (JMETL) We are Part of overall STRATCOM JMETL development Foundation of all Joint GBMD / BMDS planning, coordination, integration JMETL evaluation, assessment and training of critical tasks – Step 2. Coordinated JFCC-IMD ATP with STRATCOM Joint Training Plan (JTP) STRATCOM JTP covers FY 06-09. CDR’s Training Guidance is Essential JFCC-IMD tasked with executing GBMD / BMDS annual training Using SD 508 (6,7,8), BMDS Training CONOP, MDA 1025 BMDS Training Conop FY 05 exercise coordination Vs. FY 06-09 planning, coord and integration – Step 3. Training Strategy and Training Systems integration Training Guidance. Use as the shell for ATP – Need to cover all four levels of Training (individual, crew, Joint/Service, Global) – Guidance provides outline for Calendar and Scheduling Link all BMDS Training to ATP – BMDS Training Center (BTC) provides Linked Knowledge Center, BMDS MTT for JFCC, Service, COCOM and Unit Training, Training Education SMEs) – Services provide Individual/Crew Training GTEC/GMD, Aegis, other)(See Slides) – C2BMC training (Local and MTT) STRATCOM Exercise objectives and JFCC-IMD objectives linked to JMETL – Distributed Multi-Echelon Training System (DMETS). Need establish user working group ASAP (Services, COCOMs, Selected Units(100 th BDE, CMOC, Aegis)

5 5 FOUO Road to JFCC-IMD JMETL USSTRATCOM has 7 JMETs: 1. Manage DoD ISR Capabilities 2. Manage Strategic Nuclear Capabilities 3. Manage Global Integrated Missile Defense Capabilities 4. Provide Space Capabilities 5. Provide Global Strike Capabilities 6. Operate and Manage Global Strategic Comms/Info Systems 7. Provide DoD Information Operations Capabilities

6 6 FOUO STRATCOM: (Supporting Tasks) Manage Global Integrated Missile Defense Capabilities Plan GBMD Opns (J53) (JFCC JMET) Coordinate and Integrate GBMD (J34) (JFCC JMET) Maintain Operational Info and Force Status (J31) (JFCC JMET) Provide Missile Def Support and Services (J423) Formulate Joint Svc Concepts, Doctrine and Requirements (J88M) Conduct Theater-Wide Information Operations (JFCC-S&GS) Assess and Report Theater Military Capability (J423) Provide Worldwide National Strategic Indications and Warning (J22) Plan and Direct Strategic Intel Activities (J22) Produce Strategic Intel (J22) Synchronize Strategic Attack (JFCC- S&GS) Establish and Direct National MilitaryC4 Systems Worldwide for Communicating Strategic Info (J31) Organize and Coord Theater Missile Def (J34) – linked to COCOMs Provide Integrated Tactical Warning and Attack Assessment (J31) – linked to NORAD Conduct R&D (J88M) – linked to MDA and JTAMDO Develop National Strategic ISR (J23) – linked to CIA, DIA, NGA, NRO, NSA Sustain Theater Forces (J423) – linked to COCOMs and MDA Red = Supporting Tasks pulled directly from STRATCOM with JFCC-IMD as Office of Primary Responsibility (OPR) Services, UNITS report to JFCC-IMD vs STRATCOM

7 7 FOUO JFCC-IMD JMETL (Draft) Step 1 1. SN Plan Global Ballistic Missile Defense Operations (J5) 2. SN Coordinate and Integrate Global Ballistic Missile Defense (J3) 3. OP 5.1.4 Maintain Operational Information and Force Status (J3 / J30 & J31 ) 4. SN 2.4.1 Evaluate, Integrate and Interpret Information (J2) 5. SN 5.1. 2 Establish and Direct National Military C4 Systems Worldwide for Communicating Strategic Information (J6) 6. SN 7.4.2 Establish Education and Training Programs and Allocate Resources (J3 / J37) 7. OP 5.5 Establish, Organize & Operate a Joint Force HQ (J1 / J4) 8. SN 7.2.2 Integrate Capabilities and Prioritize Research & Development (R&D) and Acquisition Programs (J88) First 3 tasks are supporting tasks to STRATCOMs JMETL JFCC-IMD designating them as JMET and requesting OPR

8 8 FOUO Link JFCC-IMD ATP with STRATCOM Joint Training Plan (JTP) (Step 2) JFCC-IMD Annual Training Plan (ATP) being developed from the following directives/guidance: – 508 (6-8)STRATCOM Directives-Training – STRATCOM JTP and Training Guidance – STRATCOM BMDS Training CONOP Embedded DMETS Program – MDA 1025=MDA BMDS Training CONOP – ITWG Inputs The ATP shell has been developed and will be coordinated with COCOMs and Service Components

9 9 FOUO Training and Systems Integration Linking BMDS Training to ATP (Step 3)

10 10 FOUO NORTHCOM STRATCOM PACOM NCR Global Legend Above Element GMD Training C2BMC Aegis MDA Ships 5 & 6 Ship 7 Ship 8 Planners Plnnrs – STRAT/JFCC Planners/ ARSTRA T Planners Sit Aware S.A. - CMOC MDA 5.2 OSD Staff Basic Operator Course Staff Basic Staff Basic Ft Greeley Planners Staff Basic MDO Course Staff Basic – Ft Bliss Eagle Ori Staff Basic – NCR Staff Basic – Huntsville Operator Course As of 13 1400 EST May 05 MDA/TRJ NMCC Sit Aware - ARSTRAT S.A. S.A S.A. – 100th MDE Plnnrs Plnnrs – ARSTRAT Plnnrs Training and Systems Integration Linking BMDS Training to ATP Cont. (Step 3)

11 11 FOUO Training and Systems Integration- Linking BMDS Training (GTEC)to ATP (Step 3)

12 12 FOUO C2BMC Training Linking C2BMC Training to ATP (Step 3)

13 13 FOUO Exercise Calendar Linking Exercises to ATP ( Step 3)

14 14 FOUO Distributed Multi-Echelon Education and Training System (DMETS)

15 15 FOUO First Fruit We are linking JFCC-IMD DRAFT JMETL/Training/Exercise together in UFL and IMD 5.3 Exercise Proposed JFCC-IMD JMETL linked to JFCC-IMD Staff Training/Linked to COCOM IMD Plans Inputs and COCOM Staff Training, Linked to Service/Crew/Individual Training for IMD systems Global Lightning/Storm,Vigilant Shield and IMD 5.4 are also being worked to integrate JMETL, Exercise, and Training Across all four Training Levels (Individual, Crew, Joint/Service, Global)

16 16 FOUO Commander’s Guidance For UFL and JFCC-IMD Intent CDR JFCC-IMD-- I want to : – Learn something and keep it simple – More than just region-specific scenarios – Want to make it value added for COCOMs What we plan to do: – Exercise CONOPS/Crisis Action Planning – Maintain Common Situational Awareness – Operate the Asset Management Conference – Exercise Priority Intelligence Requirements generation – Utilize Grey-Beard Mentors – JFCC-IMD OC as White Cell and Exercise Integrator What we know: – Supports COCOM tactical GBMD / BMDS focus – STRATCOM / MDA support via DMETS is key – DMETS training and systems validation exercises will be conducted nightly Derived from CDR JFCC-IMD Guidance and Intent for Exercise Ulchi Focus Lens (UFL)

17 17 FOUO Exercise-to-JMETL Crosswalk for UFL and IMD 5.3 STRATCOM Exercise JMETL – UFL/IMD 5.3 SN 2.X Plan, Integrate, and Coordinate ISR ISO Strategic and Global Operations SN 3.2.X Manage Global National Capabilities SN 3.4.11 Plan Integrate and Coordinate GBMD SN 3.5 Plan National Space Capabilities SN 3.X.X Conduct Global Strike SN 5.1.X Provide Global C4 Services SN 5.5.Z Conduct Strategic Information Operations JFCC-IMD JMETL – UFL SN Plan Global Ballistic Missile Defense Operations SN Coordinate and Integrate GBMD OP 5.1.4 Maintain Operational Information and Force Status SN 2.4.1 Evaluate, Integrate, Analyze and Interpret Information (J6?) TBD

18 18 FOUO GS/GL, VS and IMD 5.4 JMETL Crosswalk STRATCOM Exercise JMETL – GS/GL/IMD 5.4 SN 2.X Plan, Integrate, and Coordinate ISR ISO Strategic and Global Operations SN 3.2.X Manage Global National Capabilities SN 3.4.11 Plan Integrate and Coordinate GBMD SN 3.5 Plan National Space Capabilities SN 3.X.X Conduct Global Strike SN 5.1.X Provide Global C4 Services SN 5.5.Z Conduct Strategic Information Operations

19 19 FOUO JFCC-IMD Training JMELT Crosswalk and Training Objectives JFCC-IMD JMETL – GL/GS, VS SN Plan Global Ballistic Missile Defense Operations SN Coordinate and Integrate GBMD OP 5.1.4 Maintain Operational Information and Force Status SN 2.4.1 Evaluate, Integrate, Analyze and Interpret Information (J6?) TBD JFCC-IMD Training Goals/Objectives – TBD

20 JFCC-IMD Annual Training Plan and JMETL STRATCOM / MDA Immersion Day 26 May 05


22 22 FOUO JFCC-IMD Implementation Directive Specified Tasks/Missions Tasks/Missions 1. Track Monitor & Report GBMD Force Status-Common Global BMDS SA (9 Feb 05) 2. Validate, Maintain, and Advocate Priority Intelligence Requirements (9 Feb 05) 3. Execute BMDS Asset Management (9 Feb 05) 4. Support MUA, R&D and Advocate Needs with JCIDS process (9 Feb 05) 5. Embedded Capability in GOC, provide day-to-day and crisis Ops support (9 Feb 05) 6. Conduct Deliberate Planning (23 Feb 05) 7. Conduct Crisis action/adaptive planning (23 Feb 05) 8. Establish Relationships; COCOM MAEs (23 Feb 05) 9. Plan/Coord for Joint/COCOM Exercise/Experiments and Wargames (EEW) (23 Feb 05) 10. Coord Authority; Planning/Execution of IMD mission (23 Feb 05) 11. Prepare to Assume OPCON /TACON, Control, Where applicable, of forces (8 Apr 05) 12. Develop COAs to min IMD OPS resource conflicts, seams, vulnerabilities (8 Apr 05) 13. Coordinate and Maintain Intel Support to BMDS Components (8 Apr 05) 14. Provide operational oversight of C2BMC System (19 May 05) 15. Report Operational Readiness Assessment of missions (TBD) Green = JFCC-IMD Directed/Accepted Mission– Executing -- Red = Not Currently Accepted as a JFCC-IMD Mission

23 23 FOUO Training and Systems Integration Link ATP to JFCC-IMD Training Guidance Step 3.a Still need Commander JFCC-IMD Training Guidance – Need Interim Guidance to close out FY 05 and provide baseline for FY 06 Looking up one level to STRATCOM and MDA (CONOPS) Looking to Services to link to their established Training guidance, Training Plans, and Calendar of Events Tied to FY Initial JMETL Link to Exercises Link to DMETS Objectives Allows us to set priorities and set outline for IMD Calendar – Need Additional Guidance and inputs to develop then staff FY 06 – FY 10 Training Guidance Will be tied to FY 06 JMETL Goal is Guidance is tied to near term, short term, long term objectives Goal is long range Calendar and Schedule of Events


25 25 FOUO DMETS Schedule

26 26 FOUO DMETS Schedule Cont.

27 27 FOUO NORTHCOM Training Exercise

28 28 FOUO NORTHCOM Training / Exercise

29 29 FOUO

30 30 FOUO

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