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Craig L PoVey Utah Division of Substance Abuse and Mental Health.

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Presentation on theme: "Craig L PoVey Utah Division of Substance Abuse and Mental Health."— Presentation transcript:

1 Craig L PoVey Utah Division of Substance Abuse and Mental Health

2  Continuum of substance abuse prevention, treatment, and recovery services  DSAMH.UTAH.GOV for local services: ◦ Treatment Providers ◦ Prevention Experts

3  In one year, 88,251 adults in Utah needed treatment for alcohol and/or drugs ◦ 42 new people every working hour  12,189 youth in the 6th through 12th grades needed treatment for drug and/or alcohol dependence or abuse. ◦ 47 youth per day

4  Alcohol  Cocaine/Crack  Marijuana  Heroin  Meth  Oxycodone  Club Drugs  Marijuana (981)  Alcohol (304)  Meth (23)  Heroin (23)  Cocaine/Crack (7)  Oxycodone (5)  Club Drugs (5)

5  14% of 12 grade students reported using ________ in the past 30 days  Which substance is the most abused among all students?_______________  True or False: Students in 12 grade report more marijuana use than tobacco use: ______ ◦ 9.9 % Marijuana ◦ 5.0% Tobacco Alcohol TRUE


7  An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure  Every $1.00 invested in prevention can result in a $36.00 savings in health care, law enforcement, other social and welfare services, and increased productivity (SAMHSA)  Effective prevention = less heartache for families, schools, and communities

8  Scientists have discovered predictors  risk factors = abuse drugs  protective factors = drug abuse

9 ◦ Diet ◦ Exercise ◦ Smoking ◦ Alcohol ◦ Genetics ◦ Blood Pressure ◦ Obesity  DSAMH.UTAH.GOV ◦ SHARP reports DSAMH.UTAH.GOV For Risk/Protective Factor Information ◦ Effective prevention DSAMH.UTAH.GOV

10  FACT: Local efforts are best at dealing with local issues  FACT: No single entity can do it  FACT: Communities That Care Coalitions are proven to work. Utah has a strong Communities that Care system The best prevention is families, schools, and communities working together & using proven strategies.

11  23% Less Alcohol Use  49% Less Tobacco Use  37% Less Binge Drinking  31% Less Delinquent Acts

12  DSAMH.UTAH.Gov ◦ Prevention tab ◦ Treatment tab

13  Know the skills. ParentsEmpowered.Org  Know the issues. DrugAbuse.Gov  Find Treatment or Join a coalition. DSAMH.Utah.Gov

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