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ANNOTATION! (Based on pgs. 2-10 in Fresh Takes). WHAT IS ANNOTATING? Annotating means marking a text (story, poem, essay, etc.) with highlighting, comments,

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Presentation on theme: "ANNOTATION! (Based on pgs. 2-10 in Fresh Takes). WHAT IS ANNOTATING? Annotating means marking a text (story, poem, essay, etc.) with highlighting, comments,"— Presentation transcript:

1 ANNOTATION! (Based on pgs. 2-10 in Fresh Takes)

2 WHAT IS ANNOTATING? Annotating means marking a text (story, poem, essay, etc.) with highlighting, comments, questions, and other notes. Basically, it means writing all over something that you’re reading.

3 WHY SHOULD I WRITE IN MY BOOK? ( ESPECIALLY WHEN I WANT TO SELL IT LATER! ) Annotating helps you absorb the material and relate it to other materials you have read or to your own experiences. All of this helps you fully understand what you are reading.

4 EXAMPLES OF ANNOTATIONS (OR NOTES TO MAKE): Underlining key passages *starring what you think is important responding with your own written comments circling words you do not know so you can look them up

5 Annotating helps you interact with what you are reading!

6 FOUR WAYS TO INTERACT WITH THE TEXT (SO YOU HOPEFULLY WON’T FALL ASLEEP READING!) 1. SUMMARIZING – Putting an idea in your own language helps you remember what you are reading. If you can’t summarize what you have read, you have probably not understood it. ---You should be writing short, frequent summaries.

7 FOUR WAYS TO INTERACT WITH THE TEXT 2.QUESTIONING – Asking questions mean you understand the text. You should have questions about what you are reading. ---Asking questions shows the instructor that you are completing the readings and thinking about what you have read.

8 FOUR WAYS TO INTERACT WITH THE TEXT 3. CONNECTING – You want to connect what you are reading to other texts and your own life experiences. ---Try to associate new information with something you know. ---A lot of essay topics or essay exam prompts will ask you to relate a text to your own personal experiences, so this is something you should get used to doing.

9 FOUR WAYS TO INTERACT WITH THE TEXT 4. PREDICTING – Try to imagine what your teacher might ask about what you are reading. ---Try to construct test or essay questions about the material that your instructor might ask.


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