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Read 10 min. Americas Economic Imperialism After independence for Latin America nations not much changed for the regular person. Still worked for “vouchers”

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1 Read 10 min

2 Americas Economic Imperialism After independence for Latin America nations not much changed for the regular person. Still worked for “vouchers” that could only be used in the company's supply stores. Worked in the “peonage” system – free workers. Political instability a widespread problem in Latin America. New leaders would often control their nations as military dictators or caudillos. Backed by the military. Faced little opposition, Wealthy class supported them because they opposed giving power to the lower classes. Even in times when caudillos were not in power, poor still had no voice in government. Who was the right to vote usually reserved for?

3 Foreign influence helps economies grow As colonial rule ended in LA, continued to depend on their exports no matter who they were trading with. TPS How do you think the combination of railroads, steamships, and refrigeration helped trade for Latin America? As technology improved sale of beef, fruits, vegetables and other perishable goods soared for LA. Latin America still imported European and N. American manufactured goods. As a result had little reason to develop their own manufacturing industries. As long as they stayed unindustrialized they could not play a leading role on the world economic stage. Invested very little of their export income into their society (schools, hospitals etc) or into their programs to become self sufficient. Had to borrow $, could not repay it and other countries took control in exchange for debts. A new age of economic colonialism in Latin America. Why couldn’t an unindustrialized country be a major world power?

4 Spanish-American War In fear that European nations would try to recolonize the Latin America nations. President James Monroe issued the Monroe Doctrine – stated that the American continents are henceforth not to be considered as subjects for future colonization by any European powers. Cuba one of Spain's last colonies. Fought for independence for 25 years failing to the Spanish. US with economic interest in Cuba joined which becomes known as the Spanish-American War. Lasted 4 months. Initial attack launched not on Cuba but Spanish colony the Philippine Islands. Spanish military quickly collapsed fighting 2 fronts. US instead of allowing Cuba to become truly independent installed a military gov’t and exerted control over Cuban affairs. After defeat of the Spanish-American War Spain turned over last of the colonies to U.S. (Puerto Rico, Guam, Philippines) became U.S. territories. U.S. next set it sights on Panama

5 Panama Travel at sea still difficult and involved a trip of 13,000 miles. If you could build a canal in a narrow stretch in central America it would cut the trip in half. Panama controlled by Colombia. Pres. Roosevelt offered 10 million + yearly payment for the right to build a canal. Once they declined we “encouraged” the people of panama to revolt. With help of U.S. navy Panama won and in gratitude gave the U.S. a ten mile wide zone to build a canal. 10 years fought floods, mosquitos carrying malaria and yellow fever and rats carrying bubonic plague. Panama Canal opened in 1914. Latin America would become crossroads of world trade, U.S. controlled the tollgate. As an extension to the Monroe Doctrine and to protect their interests in Latin America Pres. Roosevelt issued the Roosevelt Corollary in 1904. Stated that the U.S. had the right to be “an international police power” in the western hemisphere.

6 Panama Canal Read

7 Santa Anna and the Mexican War Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna one of LA most powerful caudillos and led Mexico’s fight for independence from Spain. Santa Anna encouraged English-speaking colonists, anglos, to move to his territory of Texas. Thousands moved in and in exchange for inexpensive land, they pledged to follow the laws of Mexico. Tensions grew as Anglo pop. grew, tensions were mostly over slavery and religion. Texas colonists wanted greater self-govt. and when Santa Anna refused Stephen Austin led a revolt against Mexico. Santa Anna won key victories early on including the Alamo. But was captured by leader Sam Houston. Eventually released after US invaded all the way to Mexico City and treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo signed – Gave the U.S. the northern third of what was then Mexico, including California and American SW

8 Pop-up Book for Kids: Must be 16 pages Must have a title and a cover Must be bound Must rewrite a historical event or biography of a person set in the historical time period Must explain the significance, use, impact and contribution to history and society during that historical time period and history as a whole Must include text telling the story in language a 5-7 year old would enjoy and be entertained by Must include hand drawn pictures and captions for each page Pictures must pop-up Topics: Monroe Doctrine, Cuban Independence, Panama Canal, Roosevelt Corollary, Texas Revolt, Pancho villa

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