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Unit 1: Attachment Revision Do you know the definition of Attachment?

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1 Unit 1: Attachment Revision Do you know the definition of Attachment?

2 THEORIES OF ATTACHMENT. 1. Learning Theory (Behaviourist Approach) is also known as…… Attachment occurs with person who…. 2 types of conditioning are…. Association & Reinforcement – which is which…? UCS, UCR, Neutral stimulus, CS, CR – what are they? Primary reinforcer – mum or food? AO2: Harlow’s monkeys – found? Problems with monkey study? Schaffer & Emerson – found? Theory is reductionist - explain. Based on animal studies so extrapolation has occurred – explain.

3 2. Bowlby’s is what type of theory? Explain: Innate, adaptive, sensitive period, social releasers, Monotropy, Sensitive Responsiveness, Internal Working Model, Continuity Hypothesis, Primary & secondary attachments. AO2: Support for Bowlby… Hodges & Tizard – when sensitive period passed? Schaffer & Emerson – evidence of? Against… Rutter – Multiple Attachment Model – secondary attachments are ….? Temperament Hypothesis – Which babies are more likely to be securely attached?

4 Ainsworth – Types of Attachment Ugandan Study – discuss. Baltimore Study – discuss. Ainsworth & Wittig – Strange Situation What was being measured? 3 attachment types? 3 Characteristics of each? AO2: Missed 4 th type – which? Only tested with mother - why a problem? How did Bowlby defend this criticism? Ethical concerns with the study? But…how good was the inter-observer reliability? Applications in real world – name one! Any other reasons for unreliability?

5 Cultural Variations Cultural similarities: Ainsworth (67) – Uganda Tronick (92) – Efe tribe of Zaire Fox (77) – Israel Cultural differences: Grossman & Grossman (91)- Germany Takahashi (90) – Japan AO2: Van Ijzendoorn & Kroonenberg – meta-analysis Culture Bias Lack of validity – no culture is homogenous Imposed Etic Media – what has this to do with cultural similarites?

6 Disruption to Attachment Separation – e.g? PDD model Case studies:Robertson & Robertson -John & Laura -AO2: problems + praise with case studies? Deprivation (maternal) – eg? -Spitz & Wolf(46) – Anaclitic depression -Skeels & Dye (39) – kids in home for mentally retarded adults -Bifulco (92) – women who’s lost mum before age 17 were….. AO2: -Individual Differences exist between children -Who copes better – those initially attached or those who weren’t? -Hospitals changed due to research – how? -Can’t know whether all children were suffering deprivation or privation or other neglect or abuse – no accurate records.

7 Failure to Attach Privation – definition & eg? Case studies: Genie – age 14 - never really recovered – slight improvements. Czech twins – age 7 - recovered. Hodges & Tizard – UK institution. Recovery possible if adopted. Rutter – Romanian orphans rescued. Better for those b4 6 months. AO2: Genie – was she retarded from birth? / Expts not therapy?/ Not adopted Czech twins – had each other, found earlier, not retarded, loving adoptive parents (sisters). H & T – Not sure if all were cases of privation. Don’t know if probs lasted into adulthood – not followed up – could be late developers. Rutter – privation cannot be only factor as some kids recovered well. Those who did not might have suffered other hardships or results might be due to individual differences (e.g. Personality).

8 Day Care Day Care is Bad! Aggression NICHD study – 1000 kids: positive correlation between hours in day care & aggression by age 5. Belsky – NICHD follow up – still aggressive by age 11. Mellhuish – high day care in first 2 years linked to ant- social behaviour (including aggression). Sociability & Peer relations Belsky & Rovine >20 hours per week before age 1 linked to insecure attachment & poor peer relations.

9 Day Care is Good! Sociability & peer relations EPPE study – 3000 kids – Those in day care were more sociable & independent. Improved negotiation skills & making friends. Clarke-Stewart(94) – of 150 kids - day care kids were more advanced in their social development than stay at home kids. This included: sociability, independence, obedience, compliance & peer relations. Brown & Harris (78) – depressed mums -good day care can provide social stimulation where they may be none in the home and aid social development. Field (91) – amount of time in day care positively correlates with number of friends children had later in school.

10 AO2 for Day Care NICHD study – only 17% were more aggressive. Mothers sensitivity & home factors are more strongly linked to problem behaviour. Research only correlational so can’t tell us cause & effect (i.e. that day care actually causes either good or bad outcomes) It may be that more sociable mums more likely to be working mums & so nurseries are full of sociable kids. Other factors are important too:  Quality of day care  Individual Differences (some cope better than others in day care)  Age & Hours in Day Care (>20 hours?) Gregg (05) – study of 14,000 kids – mothers employment found no adverse effects on behaviour (except in special circumstances).

11 How research has affected child care practices Robertson & Robertson – improved hospital care? Rutter (Romanian orphanages) – adoption age? Ainsworth (Circle of security) – parenting skills taught to whom? Key workers in nurseries – The Robertsons. Day Care should now include: Low staff to child ratio (NICHD study) Sensitive emotional care ( NICHD study) Low staff turnover (Schaffer – disruptive if high) Stimulating timetabled activities. Involve parents..............and more.

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