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Pictorial Drawing Isometric.

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Presentation on theme: "Pictorial Drawing Isometric."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pictorial Drawing Isometric.

2 Orthographic Projection
Isometric Drawing. What is a Pictorial drawing? A pictorial drawing looks 3-D Pictorial Projection Orthographic Projection

3 Isometric Drawing. What is an Isometric drawing?
An isometric drawing allows you to see three surfaces in one view, giving the drawing a 3-D effect. Isometric means ‘having equal measure’.

4 Isometric Drawing. When you draw an isometric projection.
The lengths and breadths are projected at 30º to the horizontal. All the heights are projected vertically upwards. All measurements are full size.

5 Isometric Drawing. Using your 30/60 set square project the isometric axis at 30º. Find the start point of the drawing and project a vertical line upwards, this is your vertical axis To produce an isometric drawing you should first construct an isometric create. This is now your starting point for all isometric drawings you will do…



8 Isometric Drawing.

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