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Section 2: Amphibians & Reptiles. Difference between Frog & Toad FrogToad Bulging eyesShort hind legs for walking Webbed feetLay eggs in chain Lay.

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Presentation on theme: "Section 2: Amphibians & Reptiles. Difference between Frog & Toad FrogToad Bulging eyesShort hind legs for walking Webbed feetLay eggs in chain Lay."— Presentation transcript:

1 Section 2: Amphibians & Reptiles




5 Difference between Frog & Toad FrogToad Bulging eyesShort hind legs for walking Webbed feetLay eggs in chain Lay eggs in clusterLack any teeth Feet slightly webbed if at all Paratoid glands

6 Waters Advantage -Water shows less fluctuation in temperature than land. -Very stable environment. -Buoyancy help support the body or aquatic organisms. Lands Advantage -Air on land holds 20% more oxygen than water. -Land dwelling amphibians can be more active



9 Paleobatidae (Archaic Toads) Plains Spadefoot Toad Spea bombifrons Loud and harsh “Go-away go-away”

10 Bufonidae (True Toads) American Toad Bufo americanus Long musical trill 15-30 seconds

11 Hylidae (Tree Frogs) Blanchards Cricket Frog Acris blanchardi Two marbles being tapped or rubbed together

12 Gray Treefrog Hyla chrysoscelis Short high trill

13 Boreal Chorus Frog Pseudacris maculata Running finger across Teeth of a comb

14 Ranidae (Aquatic Frogs) Plains Leopard Frog Rana blairi Finger rubbing balloon

15 Bullfrog Rana catesbiana Drawing bow across upright bass Foghorn

16 Microhylidae (Microhylid Frogs) Great Plains Narrowmouth Toad Gastrophryne olivacea Nasally Beeeeeeee


18 Frogs also sense vibrations through legs. Large predators nearby will create seismic vibrations in the ground.







25 Turtles lay eggs in nests and do not care for young.



28 COMMON SNAPPING TURTLE Chelydra serpentina Prefers habitat with muddy bottoms. Omniverous Bottom dweller Up to 20” length (12” common) Up to 85 pounds (15lbs common) Mean age 28 years

29 ALLIGATOR SNAPPING TURTLE Macrochelys temminckii SINC Largest freshwater turtles 150-175lbs 3 large keels down center of carapace Eyes on side of head Use pink “lure” in mouth to attract prey

30 NORTHERN PAINTED TURTLE Chrysemys picta Carapace 100-200mm Colorful plastron & head patterning used to ID Diurnal Bask during light hours Omnivorous

31 COMMON MAP TURTLE Graptemys geographica Kansas State Threatened Species Carapace up to 200mm Isolated yellow spot behind eye.

32 FALSE MAP TURTLE Graptemys pseudogeographica Mostly found in rivers and streams. Carapace up to 200mm Short yellow crescent behind eye. Male: long front claws.

33 EASTERN RIVER COOTER Pseudemys concinna Smooth domed carapace. Head and shell markings used to ID Light C-shape on 2 nd costal scute. Plastron yellow with dark patterns Male: long front claws

34 EASTERN BOX TURTLE Terrapene carolina Mostly terrestrial Tall domed carapace. Carapace up to 180mm Keel on 2 nd and 4 th vertebral scute May live entire life in 3 toes on hind feetan area no larger than a football field as range Males: usually red eyes

35 ORNATE BOX TURTLE Terrapene ornata Terrestrial Carapace patterned and up to 150mm keel-less Posterior plastron: Male concave Female flat or convex Primarily carnivorous Mean age 25 years

36 (Red eared) SLIDER Trachemys scripta Carapace up to 250mm Red/orange splotch behind eye.

37 YELLOW MUD TURTLE Kinosternon flavescens Carapace up to 15cm Elevated 9 th /10 th marginal scute Male: rough scales behind knee. Longer tail tipped with claw. Muddy bottom ponds Omnivore Strong musk smell as defense.

38 COMMON MUSK TURTLE (stinkpot) Sternotherus odoratus Carapace up to 15 cm Tall and smooth dome Two yellow lines from snout to neck Male has larger head and stout spiked tail. STRONG musk smell as defense.

39 SMOOTH SOFTSHELL Apalone mutica Carapace up to 30cm Small dark splotches Black/white stripe from eye to neck. Male has thicker tail. Mostly found in rivers/streams Passive insectivores

40 SPINY SOFTSHELL Apalone spinifera Spiny cone projections on leading end of carapace. Rivers/streams Up to 50years Aggressive and can bite Carnivore


42 Snakes (Suborder serpentes) ~ 2,300 species Elongated body lacking limbs 200+ vertebrae Upper & lower jaw movable and hinged. Elongation of body resulted in loss of left lung and right kidney.


44 Ventral scales larger to facilitate movement.







51 EASTERN RACER Coluber constrictor

52 SPECKLED KINGSNAKE Lampropeltis holbrooki

53 MILK SNAKE Lampropeltis triangulum

54 RINGNECK SNAKE Diadophis punctatus

55 COMMON GARTER SNAKE Thamnophis sirtalis WESTERN RIBBON SNAKE Thamnophis proximus

56 COPPERHEAD Agkistrodon contortrix TIMBER RATTLESNAKE Crotalus horridus MASSASAUGA Sistrurus catenatus

57 Great Plains Rat Snake Pantherophis emoryi

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